
An Invincible Warrior

Of all the people I’ve met and worked with over the years, my friendship with Steve Jennings has always been a cherished and valued relationship. I consider him to be a hero; a true warrior. Years ago, he was in a horrific automobile accident, and was not expected to live. But not only did he recover, he overcame a wheelchair-binding paralysis to emerge as a leading authority on personal achievement and an ambassador for peace.

Become a Force For Good

We never know when our actions will influence the world around us. Those everyday exchanges ripple out in every direction—for better or worse. By becoming a champion for good in your everyday life, you can bring about remarkable growth and positive changes.

This reminds me of a story I shared in the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series about a young woman named Sally Bush.

My A.R.T. Philosophy

How often do we sit around, waiting for our life to happen? How much time do we waste because we haven’t taken control of our own destiny?

I’ve had the privilege of meeting with some of the greatest leaders of our time. Not one of them took a passive approach at their goals and dreams. Every single one of them took the reins to drive themselves to the top of their industries, and the top of their game.