
Of all the people I’ve met and worked with over the years, my friendship with Steve Jennings has always been a cherished and valued relationship. I consider him to be a hero; a true warrior. Years ago, he was in a horrific automobile accident, and was not expected to live. But not only did he recover, he overcame a wheelchair-binding paralysis to emerge as a leading authority on personal achievement and an ambassador for peace.

On Tuesday, Steve was a guest on my radio show, sharing his insight and experience with my listeners. He said something that really resonated with me. He said, “We need to take another look and look more deeply and more insightfully into things. We need to help others and to see where they could use your assistance, your help, your words, your heart—anything to lift them up.”

Not long after Steve was on my show, he was tragically hit by a car. He is now in Los Angeles in intensive care, fighting for his life. Steve needs our collective love and faith. He needs us to listen to his words and send our help, our words and our heart to him, sending him positive light and energy, anything to lift him up.

His book “The Way of the Invincible Warrior” talks about being mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually prepared for whatever life throws at us. Steve challenges us to make the impossible possible, and to find the way in no way. I offer him that same challenge; to heal, to come back to those who love him, to continue being a true warrior that inspires and magnifies, and allows us to be better just for knowing him.

God bless us all to never take time and friendship for granted, so we never miss an opportunity to tell those whom we admire how much we love them. Live each day pledging to leave no regrets. Get well, my friend.

Categories: General