Motivational Speaker

Motivational Speaker

Motivational Speaker – Dan Clark is one of the most well-loved, seasoned, and respected Motivational Speakers of our time. He motivates and changes people on an emotional level to help them make personal changes in their lives by realizing the ‘Answers are In the Box! What is required to take ourselves and our organizations to the next level is already inside of us! (more…)

Keynote Speaker

What Is A Keynote Speaker?

What Is A Keynote Speaker –  A Keynote Speaker has a very distinct and unique skillset that allows him/her to connect with each audience member in an authentic intimate way with facts, humor and emotion. Because we never remember facts and figures nor the information crammed onto a slide deck, the consummate Keynote Speaker seldom uses power point (which other speakers use as a crutch because they are unprepared and need to narrate the slides), does not stand behind a podium, and is a polished and compelling storyteller! (more…)