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Success isn’t just about the destination; it’s about the journey. In this episode, real estate sales champion and influencer Jimmy Rex shares how service for others enabled his climb to the top of his profession. Jimmy is best known for his top-rated podcast “The Jimmy Rex Show,” and his best-selling book You End Up Where You’re Heading. He chats with Dan Clark about the ups and downs as he trekked his path to real estate success and shares valuable lessons and advice for those aspiring to do the same. It’s all about mindset. Be inspired to become the best version of yourself by tuning in!
Jimmy Rex Shares How Service For Others Enabled His Climb To The Top Of His Profession
This is an interview with multimillion-dollar real estate sales champion and influencer, Jimmy Rex. This episode is very special. I have my dear friend and young inspirational mentor, Jimmy Rex, whom I’ve had the privilege of mentoring and coaching in a personal and professional way. He’s a record-breaking real estate broker, agent, author, speaker and inspirational humanitarian influencer. He shares his life. He climbed to the top of his profession fueled by serving others and traveling as a way to make yourself more compelling to be around.
He gives us an inside glimpse of how to get people to choose you instead of somebody who does what you do. He’s famous for conceding the $100 tip restaurant experience, which Jimmy morphed into a $1,000 tip experience. It is my pleasure to expose you to the unique, extraordinary humanitarian superstud, Jimmy Rex. He inspires me more than any single individual on this planet with his slogan, We Are The They.
Welcome to my program, Jimmy. As good of friends as we are, it is so hard to schedule you on my show.
I apologize for that. I did some traveling. It’s always a pleasure anytime I get time with Dan. I’m trying to make it happen.
How many countries have you been to already?
Over 69.
Let’s dive in. Passion, preparation and pursuit of that passion. I want to take you back as you and I have worked together as coaches and mentors. Take us back to your earliest childhood memory when you had to figure out a way to deal with what we call the myth of rejection. When something did not happen for you in a baseball setting that automatically took you to the next level in your mindset, your heartset and in everything that you become as a young man.
I grew up in a baseball family. All my siblings played baseball. We had a batting cage in our backyard. My brothers all played for the local universities. Baseball was my life. When I was 10, 11 and 12, I was one of the best players in the state. All of a sudden, everyone started growing and I didn’t. I didn’t work as hard as a lot of the other kids.
When I was fourteen years old, I moved to a new city. I assumed I was an all-star. I had always been on the all-star teams. At the end of the year, they’d have this ceremony where they would give the trophies away for 1st place and 2nd place teams. They then would announce all the all-star teams. They’d call the kids up. It’s like an amphitheater. You got all the parents and grandparents. I’m sitting there with all the other guys on the all-star team. There are fifteen of us and we’re all best friends.
They start calling up the fourteen-year-old all-stars. One by one, they start calling up all my buddies. I look over and there is me and five other guys left. There are only five trophies and six of us. I thought to myself, “Those five guys are all making the team.” I realized at that moment that I wasn’t going to. One by one, they called them up.
When it was done, I was sitting there by myself and all my friends were out on the field. We’re in front of the amphitheater. All the eyeballs are on me. I’ve never felt so stupid in my entire life. I was alone with this rejection. I started to cry. It was sad. I realized I was going to be spending the whole summer without hanging out with all my best friends.
This is the story that I’ve told you about before, Dan. I talked about this in my book. Instead of blaming my coach, my dad, the umpires, the other team or whoever it might be, I had this moment where I realized quickly as I’m sitting there and feeling that pain that I had worked hard enough. It was my fault that I got cut. I had this realization that I had been outworked by everybody else.
I knew it was going to be this defining moment. It’s one of the worst I’ve ever felt. I said, “I will never feel like this again because I got outworked by somebody else.” That was the day I became an achiever and I said, “From here on forward, I’m going to take responsibility.” That’s what I did even though that was such a painful experience. I spent the whole summer by myself.
Those guys are all my best friends, 7 or 8 of them. They’ll tell stories that they went to California on a trip that summer. It still stings me. It’s the day that I decided no one will ever outwork me again and nobody has, whether it was real estate or anything else. I’ve always been willing to put in the work because I know the pain that is involved with not doing the work.
The interesting thing is that you learned that at fourteen. One of my best friends posted that his daughter didn’t make the softball team in her school. He didn’t know how she was going to react. “Is she going to cry? What am I going to say to her as a dad? I’ve got to be that support system.” As soon as her name was not called out and she knew she did not make the team, she said, “Dad, grab your glove. We got some work to do.”
Jimmy, how cool it is that I thought of you and your story when my buddy posted that conversation he had with his daughter. It validates power players. There are certain truisms, core values and governing principles that allow us to become successful and significant in every aspect and stage of our life for every gender, race and socio-economic condition.
Whenever you see an opportunity, whenever you see something wrong going on in the world, don’t wait for somebody else to pick it up or do something about it.
This so-called COVID-19, which you and I have already agreed that crisis does not make or break the man or woman, it reveals the true character within, we need to understand that we are 100% responsible for our attitudes but more importantly for our desire to take action. I’m interviewed all the time. People would ask me, “What advice do you give someone? Why are some confused, discouraged or become hopeless?” My answer is they keep comparing themselves with others.
What you’ve taught me and continuously teach the world is that the only person you need to be better than is the person you were yesterday. Take us to another one of my favorite stories of how you found your passion as a realtor and how this work ethic is what drove you to sell 2,000 homes in 15 years.
When you’re young, you want to be successful, have money when you’re older and not sure where that’s going to come from. When I was a kid, I loved to sell. I would always go door to door and sell whatever we were doing or do these different things like setting up a lemonade stand, selling my baseball cards or whatever it might be. When I was 21 years old, I was selling steak and chicken door to door. I was doing very well. I set up my company around it.
I was always intrigued by real estate. One of my buddies had given me some CDs that they would sell. It’s from Robert Kiyosaki, Carleton Sheets and some of these guys that teach you how to get rich with real estate. I thought, “I’m going to give that a shot.” I got my license. For the first six months, I was stumbling. I didn’t know what I was doing. I was lost a little bit. I was still trying to do some other things. I went to this coaching program and on the first day there, I was about to quit real estate. I’ve only been doing it for about 6 months and sold maybe 4 homes. I’m this punk kid. I got my ripped-up jeans and hat backward trying to sell real estate.
The seminar itself was only $500 and I had to put that itself on a credit card to be able to go to it. I was pretty broke. I tried doing my meat business. Long story short, my partner had stolen a bunch of money. I was in debt of $120,000. I’d had this TV show I did that I didn’t make any money on and had a lot of fun. I remember at that point in my life, I borrowed $5 from my sister for dinner one time at McDonald’s. It was pretty embarrassing. I already made a lot of money but I lost it all. It was a hard position to be in.
Long story short, I go to the seminar on day one. I’m listening to everything I’ve ever wanted to know as a real estate agent. They gave us a homework assignment. I went home, did it and got a couple of leads. The next day, it’s the same thing, I went home, did the homework assignment and got a couple of leads. I’m like, “This stuff works. I can do this.” For the first time, I felt like I was understanding how to do real estate.
On day 3 of the seminar, they pitched us and it’s $1,000 a month for a 12-month coaching program. I’m sitting there like, “These guys are insane. That’s more than my condo payment.” I bought my condo when I moved to college. I’m like, “This is insanity.” I’m sitting there listening and I’m like, “This is one of those opportunities in life where you throw your hat over the fence and go for it.” I said to myself, “If I commit this much money, I don’t even have it. I’m going to have to tell him to hold my credit card.” Then I’m like, “This could be the thing that commits me.”
I go up to the guy at one of the breaks and said, “I want to do this coaching. I got a deal closing in 2 or 3 weeks that’ll pay for this. If you run my card, it’s going to bounce. If you guys let me hold this for 3 or 4 weeks, I’d love to do the coaching.” He said, “We can do it. We’ll make it work. Make sure you write that on the notes of it.” I had no money to my name and I signed up for a $12,000 coaching program, $1,000 bucks a month.

Service For Others: The thing I thought was going to be the most horrible thing that could have happened to me ended up being such a blessing.
In the first two months of working with these guys, I finally knew what to do. I was backed into a corner so bad. When you back an animal into a corner, they come out fighting. I went to work. I was working 80-hour weeks doing this program. I sold almost 60 houses under contract in 2 months. I was able to pay off all my debt and get out of this trouble I was in. My whole life changed.
It’s cool because the meat company that I ended up with all that debt from a partner who was on drugs and stole all our money, I thought was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. What it did was put me in such a terrible position that it forced me to come out. That alone was my motivation. I didn’t do this because I wanted to. I did it because I had to. I came out. All of a sudden, I was the Western United States Rookie of the Year for real estate.
In my second year as a realtor, I was 1 of the 2 finalists for salesperson of the year on the solid quarter realtors. I came out with all this momentum. I was working so hard and learning so much because I had to do that. I wanted to be the best and get rid of the debt that was hanging over me. That thing that I thought was going to be the most horrible thing that could have happened to me ended up being such a blessing to me.
The one ingredient that you never leave out but you did is you followed it with every word of exactness. The person teaching and training the program said, “Nobody ever does what you did.” There’s a difference between casual and careful. You focused. Talk to us about that.
When I was at that seminar, before I signed up, there were a few people. I remember the Jamba Juice. We were at a hotel downtown in Salt Lake City. They had these tags around their necks that said they were already in the coaching. I went up to them and said, “You guys do this coaching. Does it work?” They’re like, “Every one of them works.”
I asked them how many homes they sold. Every one of them was between 30 and 50 homes a year. It was a hell of an income. I said to them, “How much of it do you guys do?” Each of them was like, “40%, 20%.” I was confused. I’m like, “Why don’t you do it 100% if it works?” They laughed and were like, “No one doesn’t 100%.” I thought to myself, “I’m going to do it 100%.” That’s why I have the success that I did.
I was at the gym talking to my buddy. I had Grant Cardone on my podcast and I’ve got a bunch of huge episodes coming out. It’s blown up. He said, “I have so much respect for you because I’ve had 25 friends start a podcast and you’re consistent. You put out with at least once every week.” I’ve been doing that for years. He said, “You’re the only one who is still doing it. Everyone else dropped off.” I said, “This was never a game to me or a thing that I was casually going to do. I had a goal to have the top podcast here and I’m going to do that.”
I’m over 220 episodes in and getting guests like I never would have imagined. It’s the difference between casually dabbling with something or having a full commitment. Tony Robbins talks about this all the time. He says, “The mistake that people make is trying to be too balanced in life. You need to be strategically unbalanced towards whatever your goal is at that time.” That’s how you create a balanced life. You get your work, finances and family in a beautiful place. You then get your spirituality, mental and all that stuff.
Just do good because you can. If nothing else, it creates a beautiful life with beautiful people.
You have to give everything. Give more than you planned on giving. This is the cool part about it, Dan. When I was building my real estate business, I had a lot of hard days but I didn’t have any bad days because you go to bed at night and feel so good because you know you put the effort in. That’s the thing that people are robbing themselves of.
People want an equal outcome. There’s no joy in the outcome. You could fly me to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and I’m not going to get any pleasure out of it. If I have to hike up Mount Kilimanjaro, I’m going to feel like the king of the earth. That’s the missing piece in all of this. People want the reward. My book is called You End Up Where You’re Heading: The Hidden Dangers of Living a Safe Life. It’s all about the hero’s journey because it’s all about getting to the top. Once you get there, it’s all about giving on the way back.
If somebody gave you whatever it is, even if it’s something you’ve always wanted like a dream car, it would not have nearly the meaning as if you worked and sweated for that car. Unfortunately, the media and message that’s being portrayed are people should have these things. People want to earn these things because that’s where you get self-confidence and that feeling inside where you’re like, “I did this. I’m an amazing person.”
The joy in the journey is to not begin with the end in mind but with the why in mind. You focus on the journey, which brings up preparation, another one of my favorite pieces of a power player. I want to illuminate for my readers that too many people in the speaking business say, “I want to win more stages. I got to be on this stage, have a brochure and this bureau represent me.”
As you and I have spent so much time talking about this business, this opportunity that you have, the privilege of the platform, you’re going to get asked to speak and have people come to you as a podcaster like you’ve experienced when you finally have something to say that people want. You focus on who you are as a human being before what it is that you want to accomplish. In the Law of Attraction, as you epitomize, we don’t attract who we want but we attract who we are.
Let’s shift gears. What I want people to get out of this last little comment of yours is that you were consistently Jimmy Rex, which means you are about 100% committed and focused. Tony Robbins says, “Be out of balance in a balanced and focused way.” It means you can plug and play any aspect of your life because you know about 100% responsibility, work ethic, waking up early, staying up late, staying focused, never having a bad day and only hard days because hard is what makes it great. That’s your preparation.
Let’s take it into the philanthropic world in which you reside, which touches everyone’s heart, Jimmy. You can make millions of dollars as you do, sell 100 houses in a year and break all these records. What most people don’t understand is that your consistency and 100% effort in becoming that best version of yourself also showcases itself in everything you do.
I can’t wait for all of you to hear Jimmy Rex on the main stage as a 60-minute keynote, which we’re working on. That’s going to happen sooner than later. We don’t have time for you to share so many of these stories that have touched my heart. I have a story included in his new book. What page does that start so they don’t have to read anything else?

Service For Others: People want outcome. There’s no joy in the outcome.
It’s page one.
Share with us one cool story that had to do with an Uber driver and how you’ve parlayed your connections. I want everybody to google Fred when you get through telling the story. Have you seen his karate? It’s more than TikTok. This dude epitomizes why he’s your friend because you think the same. Talk to us about what happened with the Uber driver before we get into our last story.
I had a mentor that stepped into my life years ago that was a special person to me. His name is Rand Rasmussen. He was a high school baseball coach for 30 years. I sold his house and he moved to Oregon. He’s semi-retired after 30 years. Two weeks later, I found out he had terminal cancer. It attacked his brain. Long story short, it came on aggressively.
I was at my house on a Monday night and had this feeling I needed to fly to Portland. I booked a flight for the next morning. He was in Salem. I flew into Portland. It’s about an hour’s drive. That morning, I got up and knew it was probably the last time I saw him. I’d been told he only had probably a few weeks to live.
I was pretty swollen and having a heavy day. I get in my Uber. My Uber driver is this big, old, 350-pound black man. He’s the jolliest person I’ve ever met in my life. His name is Larnell Bruce. I get in the Uber and he was like, “Do you need some food, candy, a drink or something?” I was like, “I need to get to Salem.”
Usually, I put my headphones in when I’m in an Uber and listen to a podcast but that morning, I’d watched a video on Facebook as I woke up that my buddy, Justin Prince, had posted about this experience he had with his Uber driver who was this amazing man. I’m like, “I’ll talk to my Uber driver.” He seems like a super happy guy that had this amazing energy.
I get talking to him. He found out I had a podcast and said, “Who’s been on your podcast?” I said, “I had Nate Boyer on.” For some of you that don’t know, he’s the Green Beret that stood next to Colin Kaepernick when he took the knee. He goes, “You know Nate Boyer?” I said, “Yeah. I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with him.” He said, “You know Nate Boyer?” I’m like, “Why?” He’s a diehard Seattle Seahawks fan and Nate used to play for the Seahawks.
He goes on to tell me that his son was killed by a White supremacist a couple of years ago. Instead of choosing hate, he had set up a foundation in his son’s honor to share the love over hate and help rid people of being racist and attacking people of race and things like that. I’m talking to him and I’m like, “Are you serious?” I googled it and it’s the national story. His nineteen-year-old son was going into a 7-Eleven and a White supremacist attacked him. He ended up running him down in his car and killed him.
We can’t put our expectations on others because we don’t know what has happened. All we can do is love.
I’m sitting there and having this moment. My heart goes out to this man. I said, “You’re so happy and have such good energy.” He said, “If I let that man cause me to be angry, then he would have killed both of us that day.” I could not believe this man I had the opportunity to meet. I was like, “What a guy.” When I got out of the Uber, he was like, “Can I get a picture with you? I can’t believe you’re friends with Nate Boyer.” I’m like, “Let’s do it.” I added him on Facebook.
I’m sitting there with my buddy, Rand. I had a beautiful couple of hours with him. I’m driving back and I said, “I want to make something out of this.” This man was a diehard Seahawks fan and his wife is a diehard 49ers fan. One of my close friends is Fred Warner, the middle linebacker for the 49ers. I’m like, “I can probably get some field passes if I explain the story and get on the field with this man and his wife.” I hit up Fred and asked him. Immediately, he’s like, “We would love to do something for this guy. Let’s do it.”
I called Larnell about two days later and said, “Larnell, if you guys are free, I’d love to fly you and your wife to San Francisco. We’re going to spend the weekend going into the 49ers and Seahawks game. I got us some field passes.” This man broke down. He’s like, “This is the best thing. I can’t believe this.” We went to the game. You can see it on my YouTube, Jimmy Rex. We go to this amazing game.
Afterward, we spent the whole weekend together. I got to get to know this guy. We live in this world where you see so much strife over race and all these different things. This is all happening. This was about 4 or 5 months before any of that happened. I thought to myself, “Why can’t more people lean into this uncomfortability? Why can’t we see this man and see the beauty that he is?” I’m grateful I have this man as a close friend of mine now because he is the epitome of sharing love and putting it out there.
He sent me a message on Facebook about a couple of weeks after we went. He said, “I got to be honest, it’s been a hard couple of years. You’ve single-handedly restored my hope in humanity. This world needs more Jimmy Rex.” It was a cool moment. I didn’t know what was going to come out of it or whatever else. I did a podcast with him if you want to hear the whole story on The Jimmy Rex Show podcast. It’s a beautiful moment. I’m grateful to be able to share stuff like that. He leads by example.
I have this thing, which is We Are The They. That’s my life motto. What it means is when I started going undercover with Operation Underground Railroad and Child Liberation Foundation, I had a girlfriend that didn’t like that I did it. One day, she’s like, “It’s too dangerous. I don’t want you to go anymore. It’s a bad environment.” I was like, “This is part of my life’s mission.” She says, “Yes, but why can’t they go do it?” It came out of my mouth, I said, “We are the they.” It sent shivers down my spine.
Whenever I see an opportunity or a wrong going on in the world, I don’t wait for somebody else to pick it up or do something about it. We are the they and that became my motto. In this situation and every situation I can, do good because you can. If nothing else, it creates this beautiful life with beautiful people like Larnell Bruce.
Jimmy, the coolest thing about working and coaching people like you is you have the maturity and the previous mentors in your life to have helped you understand the significance of writing your mission statement. Every organization and entrepreneurial outfit on the planet is encouraged to write a vision and mission statement. We up-level it and write a purpose statement. Quote your mission statement and purpose statement. I’m going to ask you one final question as we wind down our time.

Service For Others: When you truly do things out of love, everything you do will be with integrity. Everything you do is going to be for the good of people.
I came up with this because it’s a filter that I can run every decision through and it’d fit my purpose for my mission. The purpose of my life is to share my tremendous love with all God’s children, bring happiness to others through my playful soul and by being an example of living an extraordinary life. I read that every morning and every night. I make sure I stay in line with my life’s purpose no matter what I’m doing.
Jimmy and I have had the privilege of interacting with Navy SEALs. I’ve been on the program with Marcus Luttrell and Robert O’Neill who took out Osama bin Laden. I’ve been downrange eight times. That’s one of our dream trips to Iraq and Afghanistan. The greatest illumination and life lesson I’ve had in my entire career as a professional speaker and motivational speaker is getting the eyewitness account answer of when the planes collided and crashed into the World Trade Center in the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001.
Thousands of people were running out of the burning buildings, screaming and crying while first responders and men and women in uniform were running back into the burning buildings. You and I share that awe of how the credo, the highest-level mission statement and organizational mission statement of Navy SEALs, Special Forces, Green Berets and air combat controllers in the Air Force.
Their credo and mission statement is the difference between someone running out of the building and then believing that they can protect us or die trying. With all the reasons why I admire you, the reason why you and I connect and why you attract so many superstars into your life is because of the way you think and believe differently.
As we conclude our time together, people need to understand, “I’m going to serve something. I’ll go help paint the house. I’ll bake a loaf of bread and take it to the window at the end of the block.” We think it’s a one-off and we can check the box service before ourselves. Suddenly, I feel better about myself. We volunteer so we can get the photo up. It’s not our everyday mission and nature. You can surgically remove the stripes from a tiger and it is still a tiger.
What you’re teaching us is that you don’t just change your behavior. If you and I were roommates in college and we decided that we were going to wake up together at 6:00 AM to study and work out, we were only changing our behavior for each other. If you decide to wake up at 6:00 AM regardless if I do or not, you’ve changed your nature. That’s who you are. In a matter of a minute or so, I want to draw attention to the Child Liberation Foundation and its sister organizations. I want to have you back on the show to talk about some of these undercover missions.
What I need you to do is take a second to describe why you are compelled to volunteer, put your life at risk and run towards the sound of the guns when you’ve done enough philanthropy to last a lifetime more than anyone else your age? That third P of Power Players is your Pursuit of this passion. What is that one ingredient, character trait and the core value that has driven you and continues to drive you that has changed your nature to be the Jimmy Rex that we all love and admire?
Thankfully, in my life, I’ve had a lot of things. I’ve had a lot of mentors and people that look out for me. I’ve had a lot of great experiences. I’ve been all over the world. I have been able to do everything you can imagine. I’ve been around amazing friends, women and everything else in between. What you realize is you get a lot more enjoyment in life when you can do something for other people as opposed to doing it for yourself.
You get a lot more enjoyment in life when you can do something for other people, as opposed to doing it for yourself.
There are two pieces of life that to truly be fulfilled, you have to have at all times and that’s growth and contribution. People always say, “When I accomplish this, I’ll be happier like when I get this, I get married, I get divorced or whatever it might be.” The problem is you have to constantly be growing and contributing to remain fulfilled and happy.
No matter what you accomplish, it means you go to the next step and thing because you have to keep that going to keep feeling fulfilled and happy. You’ve got to grow and contribute. That all comes out of love. It’s this very cliché thing but it is. When you truly do things out of love, everything that you do is going to be in integrity and for the good of people.
Whenever I’m making mistakes, it’s because I’m doing things out of ego or pride and that happens, for sure. I always look back and go, “How could I have done that out of love instead?” No matter what somebody does to you, if you can love that human, try to understand that you don’t understand their situation.
There’s a book called The Anatomy of Peace that talks about this so well. We can’t put our expectations on others because we don’t know what has happened. All we can do is love and choose love. It is a choice that we make every time. For me, that’s the number principle and the first thing in my mission statement. If you can remember to do things out of love, you’re going to make great decisions every time.
Our mutual friend, Jay Shetty, says, “We’re hardwired for gratitude and educated for greed.” I immediately think of you in so many different ways, Jimmy. Thanks for joining us. I appreciate this. The coolest thing about this show, as you know, as well as I do, is that we’ve locked and loaded this conversation for eternity. People can download it and read it as often as they want. I challenge everyone to re-read Jimmy’s mission statement and purpose statement. Tie it into what it takes to be that power player with passion, preparation and pursuit of that passion.
As I always log out, the opportunity to be that Power Player like my guest, Jimmy Rex, has eloquently illuminated is already inside of you. Focus on love, growth and contribution. I can’t think of any more powerful way to conclude any show than to say that. God bless you. How do we get ahold of you and join your tribe? Give us a couple of handles so that it’s an easy assignment to join troops.
The easiest and best way to get ahold of me is through my Instagram, which is @MrJimmyRex. I always answer direct messages as long as it’s a real question. I use my stories to share all the things I’m doing whenever I’m speaking. My book, where to purchase it, my audiobook and podcast, all that stuff are through my Instagram.
Power Players, remember to go make a power play. The power play is already in you. Thanks, Jimmy. I love, honor and admire you. I know you know that but I want the world to know it.
I appreciate you, Dan. I love you too. I appreciate all the mentorship and friendship that we’ve had over the years.
Important Links
- Jimmy Rex
- We Are The They
- Grant Cardone – Past Episode on The Jimmy Rex Show
- You End Up Where You’re Heading: The Hidden Dangers of Living a Safe Life
- Nate Boyer – Past Episode on The Jimmy Rex Show
- Jimmy Rex – 49ers Game with Larnell & Natasha Bruce – YouTube
- Podcast – Past Episode on The Jimmy Rex Show
- The Jimmy Rex Show
- Operation Underground Railroad
- Child Liberation Foundation
- The Anatomy of Peace
- @MrJimmyRex – Instagram
About Jimmy Rex
Jimmy Rex is best known for his top-rated podcast “The Jimmy Rex Show” and his best-selling book “You End Up Where You’re Heading.”
But his life is so much more than that. He is a real estate expert having sold over 2500 homes in his career, an angel investor in over a dozen businesses including a seed round investor in Nikola motors, entrepreneur, adventurer, and family man.
Jimmy is also an adrenaline junkie and loves to give back, always looking for the next great story. Whether it is swimming with tiger sharks, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, running with the bulls, or working undercover to help rescue kids being sex trafficked, Jimmy is never bored.
Recently he returned back from his 70th country visited. His mission is to share love with all and to show everyone around him how to live an extraordinary life.