To change your life, something has to give. Maybe it’s your self-deprecating way of talking about yourself or maybe it’s a series of habits you’ve developed that leave you exhausted. No matter what your challenge, you can rise above it. I absolutely guarantee it!
There are five truths that, once incorporated into your daily life, will change your course and lead you to your true purpose and reason for being here. I call them the Five Game-Changing Truths.
1. Have a Special Sense of Self
Knowing who you are and being the best you can be means understanding you’d make a lousy somebody else. You are the only person like you in the universe and the human spirit is a most powerful force! It is controlled by our ability to face our fears and struggle to make it through life’s storms. Your personal value and self-worth should always be the sum of your potential, not the result of multiple insecurities.
2. Think Differently
Answer why you are where you are, why you’re doing what you’re doing, why you should give life everything you’ve got (when less would be sufficient), and why you should think positive in every moment. Once you have that answer, act on it.
3. Prepare Differently
Everybody wants to win, but few are willing to prepare to win. The value of something is determined by what you’re willing to give up to get it. What you are doing in any given moment—every conversation, every workday, every practice and every game matters. It deserves your relentless determination and undivided attention so you can perform your very best.
4. Make Everyone Around you Better
Treat others the way you want to be treated. You want people to say, “I like me best when I’m with you. I want to see you again.” We need more people who lift and less people who lower.
5. Rising to the Occasion when the Game is on the Line
You don’t need a title to be a leader. You gain a competitive advantage as an individual, not by doing more than your competition, but by doing what your competition is not willing to do. Go the extra mile. Make the extra phone call. Be observant. Listen. Take the steps necessary to not only lift your game, but to win the game.
I’ve soared to the edge of space in a U2 Spy Plane where I witnessed the breathtaking curvature of the earth, and for three hours gazed into the blackness of space, pondering the wonders of the universe and the reality of eternity.
I’ve always been inspired by peak performance, and motivated by those who told me I couldn’t do something. I understand the difference between biological probability and attitudinal possibility, and consequently I’ve dreamed mighty dreams, fought every foe, maximized my potential, and created an incredible life! There’s nothing stopping you from doing the same—except yourself.