Secret to Sales

How Reverend Billy Graham Taught Me The Secret to Sales and Marketing

One of the great experiences in my career was being asked by entertainer singer/songwriter Kenny Loggins to host his “Unity Shoppe Telethon” in Santa Barbara, California. We were on the air for 12 hours and raised $725,000 with studio guests that included actors Jeff Bridges, Kevin Costner and Rob Lowe, recording artist David Crosby, Billboard Songwriter Hall of Famer Jeff Barry, super model Cheryl Tiegs, STP racing mogul/philanthropist Andy Granatelli, and many more!


Become More Accepting, Less Judgmental

Our ability to lead significant lives depends on how we interpret others and their actions. We are all different—biologically, culturally, ethnically—and we all grow and change at different stages. It is our goal to be able to suspend judgement, going beyond mere tolerance, to attain and express true, mindfulness acceptance of others, just as they are.

Significant leaders welcome and value uniqueness and diversity. Their stance of openness is grounded in a deep acceptance of their own authentic selves and allows them to inspire, teach and lead others in a way to leave a lasting legacy.