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PPDC 35 Randy | Others Before Self


A servant leader knows how to put others’ needs before oneself, putting faith, family, and service above all. Someone who wants something for people, not from people. One way to do that is to look at people the same way God would. In this episode, two renowned high-performance coaches, Randy Garn and Ken Joslin, team up to share their secret sauce to success with Dan Clark. Find out how they coach and impact future business leaders with the power of faith. Discover how to become a respected influencer based solely on faith, family, and service before self. Become a connector, a unifier, and a servant leader who can bridge people together today!

Randy Garn And Ken Joslin Share How Faith, Family, And Service Before Self Is Key In Their Success 

This is an interview with two renowned high-performance coaches, Randy Garn and Ken Joslin. In this unique episode, I have my dear friends and colleagues. Randy Garn is the Founder of Prosper Inc., one of the premier coaching companies in the country, and a partner at High Performance Institute. He is a New York Times bestselling author, speaker, high-performance coach, and philanthropist.

Another dear friend is Ken Joslin, a multimillion-dollar realtor, former Baptist preacher, bestselling author, life coach, and mastermind mentor. They team up in the studio to share their secret sauce on why and how to become a most respected connector, passionate networker, and amazing world-class influencer of the affluent based solely on faith, family, and service before self.

It is my favorite time of the day. Anytime I get a chance to come into this beautiful studio and interview people who can change the world one story one moment at a time, I feel it is a calling. This is one of the more special opportunities in my life when we can hold someone in a high position of respect, honor, and envy if you will, having interviewed so many of the biggest A-listers names on the planet.

It is fun for me to also bring in two A-listers, the biggest names on the planet, who also happen to be dear friends. We have Ken Joslin from Atlanta, Georgia here in the studio in Salt Lake City, Utah, and one of my longest and closest friends, Randy Garn. I do not know where he lives. He has his mansion in Utah County here in Utah but he has an extraordinary way over the top, high-end fishing ranch in Star Valley, Wyoming. He brings top-level clients and coaching gurus to Jackson Hole Wyoming and everywhere else he decides that he can bring them in.

Let me tie these two gentlemen together. They are not the odd couple. Randy Garn is one of the premier entrepreneurs on our planet. He had a bestselling book on entrepreneurship that he co-authored and he sold his amazing company called Prosper, which was a coaching company. With his millions and influence, he turned into the universe’s number one connector. In fact, the quote that I heard when we were talking was by Tom Bilyeu. What did he say about you and a treasure map?

He said, “Garn, you are the treasure map to the treasure.”

Because of Randy Garn and his influence in my life inviting me to speak on huge platforms and programs, if you follow that trail of tears, it led me to Ken Joslin, who is a pastor. He is a devoted Christian man and yet he became one of the top-level personal life coaches and entrepreneurial business coaches on the planet.

It is no surprise that I have both of them in the studio at the same time because I want to have some interplay and some interaction to dive into the heart and soul of what it means to be a connector. There is no one better at it than you two. Let’s go back to the reality of a Jim Rohn quote that we have all quoted before, “We become the average of the five people we associate with the most.” It means we must be willing to pay any price and travel any distance to associate with extraordinary human beings.

Ken, I met you because of a relationship I had with Randy who had a relationship with Scott Duffy, who had a relationship with Brendon Burchard and it led me to you. You invited me to be on one of your programs in Vegas called GROW STACK and DRIVE. You can tell that he shamelessly wears this hoodie.

You should have got one of these in Vegas.

Don’t care what you get back from anybody. Truly live the law of reciprocity.

I did. I should have put it on but then I would have made Randy feel bad because he did not ever have grow but he had stack and drive. I am kidding. Randy is the guy who posed for trophies. He and his beautiful wife, Charlotte, are the couple who stand on wedding cakes. You have got to have a vision of this larger-than-life character.

Let me begin with you, Randy. What does it take to be a connector? We all want to. It is all about a networking life that we are supposed to be living in and yet you have risen to the occasion. You are the guy that brings Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, and Grant Cardone, who are close to Ken’s heart. They look to you to fill seats to bring qualified individuals who are desperately in search of becoming the best version of themselves. How did you rise to that? How did you get that calling? Who tapped you on the shoulder to be the number one connector in the world?

That is a good compliment because I am a stump-jumping Irishman from Idaho.

That sounds like a country song.

He stole that. Those are some of your lines. You wrote that.

That ticks me off. I would write a song about you but I do not know that Randy was stump jumped.

Honestly, a lot of it came from when I was younger. My dad would always tell me that people are more important than things. I have always put my relationships with those people that I aspire to be like and want to get to know above anything else. I do not need things. I have enough toys, I have enough stuff, and I know what. I can only eat so much. I can only wear one pair of pants a day. I love people. What started to click was I put a process together that I do not care what I get back from anybody.

If something comes back, all that we have taught, everything that we have done, I truly live the Law of Reciprocity. The big thing about learning how to do that is you can’t do it with everybody but you can do it with those people that mean the most and you will start to understand who in your life loves, likes, and respects you, who is in your corner and who is fighting for you.

When I stopped giving to get and I gave to give, I just give to give. It changed my life. It brought me so much joy that I love doing stuff for you, Dan. I love doing it with Ken. That is a big one. People are more important than things. The other thing is to trust. That is our most valuable asset and you have to do what you say you are going to do. If you can’t do it, say you can’t do it. That is everything.

You learn that Randy Garn was student body president of his university and your motivation was not to be famous. It was not to be popular for the moment. It was to be respected for a lifetime. Did you inculcate that giving before you take philosophy way before you got to college? Did you learn that while you were in service to your fellow men and women there on campus?

PPDC 35 Randy | Others Before Self

Others Before Self: Don’t live the golden rule, which is to treat people the way you want to be treated. Instead, live the platinum rule: treat people the way they want to be treated.


I have never been asked that question. When I ran for student body president, I ran against my super close friend, Ethan, and we became business partners. I ended up winning, but to all the guys that ran, I said, “You guys wanted this too. Why do not you join me and be a part of this?” It is like a team of rivals. It is like, “Let’s rally,” so it happened then.

I do not know if it was then or when it was. I do not know if God made me this way but I figure that if I can help other people get what they want, I try to live not the golden rule of treating people the way that you want to be treated. I tried to live the platinum rule, which is to treat people the way they want to be treated. I learned that at a young age.

As a mentor at college at the university leadership level, talk to us about Mr. Clark and his background from Harvard and what influence he had in your life.

There is Kim Clark and then there is Clark Gilbert. They are two amazing Clarks. Also, there is Dan Clark who has more degrees than anybody that I know. Starting with Kim Clark. He is an amazing leader. The way that I watched him lead was when he was the president of that university and I was a student body president in the first year. Elder Bednar was there and I learned discipline from him. He is one of the most disciplined amazing disciples that I know and is an amazing human.

Kim Clark, coming from Harvard, was the Harvard Business Dean. They asked him to come and be the university president. With the humility that he has and the love that he has for people yet being so smart, he could have an ego but there is no guile in that man’s heart. You can be a wicked, amazing, and smart individual and still love unconditionally. I learned that from Kim Clark.

Two great mentors. We become the average of the five people you associate with the most. How about Clark Gilbert?

Clark Gilbert was the president of the university and built Pathway. It is one of the largest online universities right now and it continues to explode and grow. Clark Gilbert is so full of energy. He attracts greatness. His energy, enthusiasm for life, and the power that he and his amazing wife have. All three of those men are role models as to another Clark in my life, which is, Dan Clark. I am being 100%. You are here, but your book, The Art of Significance, changed me. I remember when you came and sat by me and I said, “I will take 250 of them. Let’s go.” Once I read that and I got to know you on a personal level, you give until it hurts.

Thanks. Ken Joslin, it is more than serendipitous that you are here together. The first bit of wisdom I learned from Ken was when I saw him at a mastermind. My buddy who was conducting the mastermind, where Ken was visiting and attending, had attended Ken’s mastermind in Scottsdale, Arizona. If you recall, I was in awe of you and your reputation. The first question I said was, “How do you become one of the greatest connectors on the planet?” You said, “Support everybody and, eventually, they will support you.”

It is the Zig Ziglar quote, “If I help enough people get what they want, eventually, I am going to get what I want.” It goes back to what I have taught my four daughters. It started when my oldest was in kindergarten. I would take her to school every day. I was fortunate enough to own my own company. I was a top mortgage broker in Georgia, Florida, and Alabama for several years in a row. I would take her to school and every time I dropped off any of the four, I would say, “Tell me what a servant leader does?”

She would say, “Daddy, servant leaders put other people’s needs before their own. They do things right the first time and they do things without being asked.” When I picked them up from school every day, they would give me an example, “Daddy, I was a servant leader today. I put other people’s needs before my own. We got out of the playground and I let Johnny go in the water line in front of me.”

Help enough people to get what they want, and eventually, you’ll get what you want.

It was modeling and knowing it is not good enough to tell your four daughters or ask your four daughters what servant leaders do but you have to emulate and model that for them. It is understanding that great leaders and servant leaders want something for people, not from people. When you live that life, eventually you are going to get what you want and it is going to put you in circles. You go, “Ken, how do you spend time with Randy? How did you get Dan Clark, who is the greatest storyteller I have ever heard in my life?’”

I have been around some of the greatest preachers in America like Steven Furtick, Jentezen Franklin, and TD Jakes. I have been around some of the best of the best and this cat right here can tell stories, unlike anybody I have ever heard. How do you get around people like that? How do you get to know Jentezen Franklin? How do you get to spend time with Grant Cardone?

How do you sit with Sharon Lechter, the co-author of Rich Dad Poor Dad? How do you get her to your mastermind? We had a Hawaiian Luau pool party and Sharon showed up in a Sunday formal dress. How did you get to sit in her house for two hours at her dining room table a few years ago, casting a vision about what you wanted to do before anything was even there? It was being a servant leader and loving people.

Both of you have brought up the spiritual aspect of life, physical fitness, continuous education, and deeper spirituality. That is such the heart and soul of who we are and where we connect at the deepest constant level. Ken and I had an interesting conversation where you pointed out that it is easier. You have planted and started one major church but four churches, as I recall in our conversation, but you made a comment that I could not let go and I want you to address that.

In our day and age with people searching for purpose, recovering to the best of their ability through COVID and the pandemic, you said, “For some reason, it is easier to put 1,000 people charging big bucks into a business entrepreneurialship meeting than it is to plant a seed where you talk about, as Randy said, what matters most, which is what lasts the longest.” Teach us what is going on and how you are circumventing that as a coach.

The quote that I told you was one that I told my mentor and pastor, “It is easier to build a business to $1 million than it is a church to 1,000.” To be honest with you, it is quite sad. You would think that it would be easier to build a kingdom because it is not tied to the dollar. It is tied to eternity. People asked me this question all the time, Dan. They say, “Do you miss pastoring full-time?”

I get to pastor people now that would never set foot in my church on Sunday ever. I love what I get to do because it is not an overt faith field. People know who I am because they know my lifestyle. They know what I believe because of how I live my life. It is a modeling of my faith. Even in our community, I have got Muslims, atheists, and people of no faith, and I have got all types of people.

Jesus said, “Be salt and light.” He did not say be pushy. If you look through the four Gospels, the people that Jesus had the most mercy on and extended grace to were Zacchaeus, Matthew, and Mary. The woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery, who they brought out to stone. Those were the people toward whom he had an enormous amount of compassion.

When you take those three principles of being a servant leader and you want something for people, not from people, and when you put that in the entrepreneur world and you mix a little 10X Grant Cardone magic in there, you are helping people build businesses. Because it is authentic, it resonates with people at a level that is unfamiliar with the space that we are in now.

What you have taught us and added to the conversation is, to your point, if you can invite someone in, and then exceed their expectations, they always leave saying, “I like myself best when I am with you. I want to see you again.” What they are feeling and learning is more of a truth-based faith-based message that they did not know they needed but they think God or whoever they believe is the great master creator.

PPDC 35 Randy | Others Before Self

Others Before Self: Servant leaders put other people’s needs before their own. They do things right the first time. And they always do things without being asked.


Even the atheists are walking out and going, “I felt differently than I have ever felt. I wonder what is going on in my life now that I understand servant leadership.” This is a calling. When I coach, speakers or people who want to be speakers, I always ask them two questions. Would you drive five hours one way to say this to somebody for free? If they say, “I wouldn’t,” then that is not a calling.

The second question is with old Randy Pausch’s last lecture if you had one hour to live, what would your message be? Every time I have been around the two of you, individually and collectively, and everyone that you introduce me to is so intriguing. The conversation, no matter how wealthy these individuals are, we all know some of the wealthiest, most powerful, influential people on the planet. When they get around you, the conversation never goes to money, even though they sign up trying to make the millions and learn how to do what you are doing.

You have a greater calling. It is more of a tap on the shoulder, God thing that maybe perhaps anybody realizes is so good for you, which brings me to another question. Your job as a connector is to fill seats with the motivation that you know everyone who signs up and pays the big bucks is going to leave completely different than they were when they arrived because you know what the content is going to be about. What is the magic sauce to not scare them away but to invite them in in a safe place knowing that this is definitely what they are looking for?

When I pastored, our mission statement was to connect people with purpose. Now, our tagline would be helping leaders build confidence, gain clarity and create community. Through that process, you help them connect with their purpose. It is the same thing. I have two superpowers. I am a connector and I identify and call that purpose and people that they may not even realize is inside of them. I am like, “I see this in you. Do you see this?”

Some people did not see it. Some people are like, “I thought it was there, but I was not sure.” All it takes is somebody to give them permission to do what they have been dreaming about doing. You want to do something for them, not from them. When you do that, it is easy to encourage people to be a part. It is like what I did in Vegas. You were there when Brad Lea was up and one of the guys was doing a Q&A and Gary Brecka talked about authenticity.

We all think that the number one part of the Law of Attraction is love, service, and authenticity to make that clear.

When Gary was explaining authenticity and I was sitting there, it was a God moment for me. It was like God said, “I have connected you with guys like Dan Clark, Randy Garn, Brad Lea, and Sharon, etc. to connect them with the people that are in the seats.” It is more fulfilling for me to sit and watch a Randy Garn, Dan Clark, Anthony Trucks, a John Maxwell, or an Ed Mylett, and watch what is going on in the room than it is for me to be up on stage communicating that.

Randy, both of you are extraordinary speakers and personal coaches. You have an amazing coaching program. You have all those things from the financial side. What do you think draws the biggest names to you?

I know I have talked a lot. When I went to that mastermind in Salt Lake City with you and Scott, Anthony Trucks called me on my phone. He goes, “Randy Garn is going to be at that mastermind. You have got to introduce yourself to Randy Garn.” He probably does not remember this. I walked up to introduce myself after you spoke. I said, “Hey, Randy.”

You said, “I know exactly who you are. I have done my homework on you.” It blew me away that he knew who I was. What drew me to Randy was the way that I heard everyone talk about him and the way that everybody cared for and loved this man. For that, I did not even know him and I was drawn to him. I did not want to answer his own question.

Great leaders, servant leaders want something for people, not from people.

I am going to give him a second to let that question percolate so he can give us a more profound answer. From my observation of you, you are so busy. We live in the same state. We are only 40 miles away and I am busy and yet every time I see Randy Garn is the same time that I see you at significant events which have attracted significant individuals for that moment in time for a specific reason. With significant individuals, we must be willing to pay any price and travel any distance to associate with extraordinary human beings.

In order to attract extraordinary human beings, we do not attract who we want. We attract who we are. That is the definition of why you both are extraordinary connectors. I wanted to fuel the pump a little bit, Randy. That is why the biggest names seek you out because you refuse to go to anything that lowers your self-esteem, expectations, and standards of performance. Every single time I see you or in any one time we run into each other, it is always as a significant event surrounded by people who want more significance in their lives.

Talk to us. What is your secret sauce? Ken said that it is your reputation. It is what people say way before you walk into the room but then you never let us down. You are the same offstage as you are on stage. We need the secret sauce. My tribe wants to know the real answers to how you keep your amazing huge family in a balanced, perfect world with your beautiful wife. Let’s dive into the personal. Pull back the curtain. You have got to tell us what the secret sauce is to Randy Garn.

I am going to tell you this. I have never said this and I have never shared this with anybody. I have got an identical twin brother.

Have we been seeing him all this time? What is up with that?

I do have two sets of twins, which is like herding cats in my house. As I thought about the answer and I listened to you, some of it is I do not know why I have such amazing friends. Some of it is intentional. I made a list in 2013 of the 25 people that I wanted to get to know that I love, liked, and respected, and spent three years building relationships with them.

It is like what you see in Bolt. He did not run at that speed. That was four years of doing it. I am intentional about who I hang out with and who I spend time with but at the same time, I do think that I am a trusted advisor because I do not share anything. I am a friend. They know that they can call me in a minute.

One of them called me up and said, “Randy, I need some time. I need to go fishing with you.” Being able to be that person for some of these people that need someone to bounce an idea off, I am wicked smart. I love strategy, growth, business, and business modeling but I also try to be a super good friend. The simplicity of this is to love God and love your neighbor. I am a son of God and so are both of you and so is everyone that I meet. I truly love my neighbor. I do not judge but I do surround myself with people that have my back and that I have their back. I try to see everybody as God sees them.

I have four daughters and I always say, “Grace, if you marry somebody, make sure they love God first because if they do, they will love you.” I try to live a clean and pure life as I can and I try to treat people with that same trust and integrity. I try to do that to the best of my ability. When I leave this life, I want people to say, “Randy Garn did what he said he is going to do and he is a darn good man.” That is the way I want to leave.

One day at a time so I want to inspire you so that it is in perpetuity to author another book. The template is called Uncommon Friends. It was one of the first books that ever changed my direction because, in my mind, it was the first mastermind that ever existed. Sometimes, it is hard to find a little bit in and out of print but the story is written by the right-hand assistant of Thomas Edison. His laboratory was in the suburbs of Detroit. He would always escape the cold winters and he bought a house in a cul de sac in Fort Myers, Florida.

PPDC 35 Randy | Others Before Self

Others Before Self: Being with like-minded people can give you the courage to do what God put into your heart—to impact business leaders by building confidence and creating community with that common thread of faith.


By the first summer, Thomas Edison’s neighbors were Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and a famous French physician who had a wonderful world-changing invention, a medical breakthrough, and Harvey Firestone. It is chronicled. It is a true documentation of the right hand of Thomas Edison chronicling the conversations they had, the mastermind where Henry Ford says, “I have invented this conveyor belt. I am in the process of building the cars to make it accessible to the regular Joe and Jill on the street, but it sure is a rough ride. We have solid rubber tires.”

Harvey Firestone got the idea to create and invent inflatable air-filled tires to smooth out the ride. That happened in a conversation during the winter in Fort Myers. Charles Lindbergh teamed up with this French physician and they came up with this invention. I have read it so many times. I bet I have given out 200 copies. To your point, Randy and Ken, one of the greatest parts of that entire book were when Henry Ford and Thomas Edison went down to the dock fishing.

Two things occurred in that one event. Number one, they did not speak for 45 minutes. Number two, it turns out neither one of them brought any bait. It was about who they hung out with, the environment, the trust, and the unwritten camaraderie that they had established. Can you imagine the conversations that changed our world because they would leave and go back to their business and Edison would invent this and invent that?

Henry Ford would better our motor car experience. That book is in the making. You already have all the ingredients with all the people you have met and all the people you will continually meet. I would hope that you would take that suggestion and sporadic idea right now but the world needs what you have to offer.

That would epitomize the strategies that you have pulled together and shared in every situation that you are in. I wanted to do this on purpose. Ken, what one question would you want to ask Randy, that you have never asked him so far since you have been a great friend at this highest and deepest level? I am going to ask you the same thing, Randy, so you can let that percolate and incubate for a minute?

I asked a lot of questions.

If you have a question for Ken, Randy, speak up while we are waiting.

I do not get tongue-tied or speechless often.

Let me rephrase that if I might. What is the one question that you continuously have that keeps you going in that search and find, seeking you shall find, ask and the door shall be opened? What is that one question that you are continuously striving to find the answer to? It is the same with you, Randy.

Mine is easy. I do not ever ask this question to Randy or to you. It is more of, “Can I pull this off? Can I do this? You put this in my heart. I promise you it is.” I know I can but it is the magnitude of what I know God has put on my heart to be able to impact business leaders by building confidence, getting clarity, and creating community with that common thread of faith.

Every great leader is comfortable pulling the curtain back and going, “guys, I didn’t do this right.”

For me, it is not a question. It is about when I get with a Randy Garn, a Dan Clark, a Brad Lea, or a Scott Duffy, and all of those things. It is like Sharon Lechter reaching over on her kitchen table and holding my hand like a grandmother. It is confirmation for me. The question I ask myself is, “Do I have what it takes to pull this off?” When I get with Randy Garn or I get with you, what it does is it gives me the courage and the encouragement to know that I can be accountable. I can do what God’s put in my heart.

Before I get to you, Randy. I will bring up something that all three of us understand. When we stand on stage, people do not relate to our perfections, if we even have any. They relate to our imperfections. They do not give a rat’s waka zoodle if I have ever succeeded. They want to know, “Clark, did you ever fail or fall? What did you do about it? What did you learn from it?”

Take us to that most vulnerable spot that keeps that belief of, “Can I do this alive,” knowing that because you do you still persevere, you refuse to give up. Maybe it is because you know that someone in every audience is hurting as badly as you were. This is what you are doing about it and therefore, it is the servant leadership coming out subconsciously.

It says, “I have got to do this. It is a calling because I can help save some souls. I can help save a marriage. I can help a kid from killing himself. I can step up and be the hands of Jesus. I can do what is required of me in this position with the platform I have been given.” Take us to a vulnerable spot as vulnerable as you can be to drag in the readers who say, “I can do this too.”

I have even been told in the past, “You share too much. You pull the curtain back too much.” I have got some stuff going on in my life right now that is too early to pull the curtain back on. My parents got divorced when I was eight. My mom moved us from Detroit to Atlanta from the second grade. From sixth grade to my senior year of high school, I moved back and forth six times. I went to 12 schools in 12 years.

Dad was never around. My child was newly born and I flew to Michigan. I picked my dad up and we went to the Detroit Tigers game on Friday night, the Michigan-Notre Dame football game on Saturday, the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers on Sunday. It was the opening day of the NFL season. I did all of that for one thing. I got in the car with my dad and we were driving to Detroit. I said, “Dad, I do so many things like you.”

My dad was the voice of the Lone Ranger for all the Chrysler commercials in the early ‘70s, big radio DJ. That is why people say I have a face for radio. I told dad, “I know that because even with having three daughters at that time, you regretted things you did or things you did not do for your kids.” I remember having that conversation with my dad. I said, “Dad, I want to let you know I do not ever want you to lay your head down on the pillow with any regret for the rest of your life. I love you and I forgive you. I do not ever want you to regret anything you have done.”

That moment for me and my father took our relationship to another level. It is continued to grow since then. Every great leader is not afraid to pull back. That is not my mistake. That is not something I did. It is a very personal thing for me. Every great leader is comfortable pulling the curtain back going, “I did not do this right. I made a mistake. There is an error. Here is how I fixed it, how I processed through that, who I went to talk to, and here is the outcome of that.” I hope that helps.

It does because what it did is it painted a perfect word picture that we have some people who did not come from a divorced families. We know the difference between a dysfunctional family and a single-parent family. My mom was the youngest of nine children raised by a single mom on a farm in Southern Idaho. I know the significance of that.

I want to compare and contrast your background struggling with a relationship with your dad before his family and Randy’s perfect life. Two parents grew up with core values that Idaho rural values. You did not have that same woe-me opportunity. Very seldom do we get a chance to interview the perfect kid who had a perfect life who still is doing his best to help everybody else live a perfect life.

PPDC 35 Randy | Others Before Self

Others Before Self: Your greatest sorrows and joys come from the walls of your own home. But also, your greatest sorrows and joys come from your own business partnerships and who you hang around.


The question is a little different for you, Randy. How have you remained humble, non-judgmental, and full of this servant leadership love when you did not have to learn these lessons through struggle? You learn them through a positive example like, “I can do that, too.” Teach us. Let me preface. Too many people who make money feel like they have to make an excuse for making money. We have to live small so we do not make anybody feel bad.

I remember when my daughter was in Dancing with the Stars. You think you can dance and she was the last girl cut. The last interview was like, “Tell us your story.” Because she came from a two-parent family, had a cushy life, worked hard, and had every opportunity in the world, that story was not bad enough so they cut her. They were looking for that sad story where it is like, “This was so pathetic it let you rise to the occasion.” That pissed me off so much. Let’s celebrate those who did not have that experience who turned out as that good, clean, pure, powerful, positive superstar that Randy Garn is known to be. Take us to the promised land because you were there from the time you were the freaking DNA.

I appreciate that. There are people that grew up in hard situations. My dad was a high school football coach for 33 years. He could have gone into medicine and be a doctor but he said, “I have got four boys. I have got six kids. I want to grow a man.” That was his choice. I think, “What is my choice?” My mom was the one that gave me tons of confidence. She helped build my courage muscle and what my man said, “Who pumps you up when you are sad?” That is why everybody calls me Coach Garn.

My little brother is 6’2”. My other brothers were amazing athletes. I was born with that 3 pounds, 2 ounces, and I was in an incubator for months. I am lucky to be alive. It is a little different for me. I have almost lost my life a bunch of times. I got run over a few years ago. I have a super sanctity for life that I might not have gone through some of the other hardships or challenges. I drowned when I was three, and there have been other things. I have a very close understanding that I won’t leave this Earth at one point.

The second thing that helped me with my life is I was on the golf course and I was with a very wealthy man. He literally was like, “Randy, pull the cart over. I got to talk with you. I have screwed up so bad.” I was like, “What is going on?” He was like, “I can’t think straight. I have screwed up. How do I receive forgiveness? What do I do?”

There are a lot of people out there that hurt and do not know where to go for forgiveness. There is a lot of relationships that get hurt. The greatest sorrows and our greatest joys come from the walls of our own homes. I also think the greatest sorrows and our greatest joys come from our business partnerships and who we hang around. There is a lot of corruption that can happen.

I am going to be the first to say, I look back and I have not been perfect with my relationships. I look back and I could have been a better partner. I could have done this. What I am trying now is if there is anybody I have ever hurt or offended, I am asking for your forgiveness. That is the thing. I am trying to be my best. I have a sanctity for life. I have a close understanding that we are all sons and daughters of God in a big way.

I feel like because of that clarity that I have, I have asked for forgiveness. That guy that pulled over in the golf cart said, “There are a lot of people that can’t think straight because they have so much pain.” The greatest thing that has ever happened to me is an understanding of justice and mercy. A lot of times, we want justice from our partnerships. Justice like, “Somebody screwed me. I have been hurt by a partner that took advantage of me that I thought was my best friend.” That took me a little while to get over but I am over it now. That is that justice part.

On the mercy side, I am very heavy mercy-wise. I forgive because I am imperfect. An understanding of the atonement and that it is real, we need more of that in business. We need to talk more about forgiveness. A lot of times, forgiveness is not for reconciliation. It is for peace. This is honestly why I love some of the partners that I have like Ethan and Brendan. Sam Maloof is amazing. Some of the guys I have have a deep understanding that it is all going to work out.

He is not perfect, I am not perfect. We are giving it all we got, Captain. We put a little bit of that atonement and forgiveness in our partnerships and our relationships. If we are all close and understand that, you can have great joy in all your relationships, including your business partners. That is the kind of relationship I want to have and the partner that I tried to be.

Forgiveness isn’t for reconciliation; it’s for peace.

Forgiveness regardless if you think they deserve it or not is the old cliché, “If you hold a grudge or remain angry, it is like you are drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” You have learned that and you teach it in your own ways. Something else that hit home as you have been talking here, Randy, Ken, I remember when you called me one night and you said, “Do you want to buy a table for $1,000 to support this charity?” We did not go for the $1,000 or the free food.

My wife and I had a conscious conversation saying, “It is going to be about the people we get a chance to meet.” Sure enough, every single time I have been around either one of you, I make a new friend at a high level, a significant person who thinks like you think, who thinks like we think. In the book you referenced, The Art of Significance, the number one Law of the Universe is obedience. All other laws are governed by it.

In the book, the twelfth law is forgiveness. One of the great analogies that I know you have heard that you have used probably that I drew out in my book is in the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, the number one most successful non-medical solution to addictions of any kind. They have the famous Twelve Steps. Step number one, admit that you have a problem.

You can live by and obey the first eleven laws but if you fail to live on step number twelve, you will start drinking again. You will fall back into addiction. Step number twelve is find another addict and help him or her reach out in your servant leadership. As we wind down our time here, would you drive five hours one way to say to somebody for free, Ken?

You can do it. Whatever is in your heart that God’s put in your heart, whatever purpose you have, whatever your why is, you can do it. Just to breathe life and encouragement in that individual and let them know they can do it. Give them permission to go after that crazy BHAG that is on the inside of their heart.

Randy, would you drive five hours one way to say to somebody for free?

I would drive 5, 10, or 20 hours. I would fly around the world to share with somebody that they need to trust God. Putting your trust in something bigger than yourself will increase your hope. Hope has a bigger circumference than faith. It will increase your faith. Faith and hope are things that are not seeing. You have got to have hope and faith.

I would let them know, “Trust God because He loves you. Pray to Him. Get on your hands and knees. Ask for a higher power to help you with whatever it is you are struggling with.” I do that every morning and every night. I thank God for every breath I have. I thank God for my family and my friends. I would drive around the world to tell that to anyone.

As your moderator, what comes to mind to tie both of your comments together? What I have heard and what I watch in your lives, faith without works is not faith at all. French philosopher Pascal said, “Too many live their lives hoping to be happy but because they only hope, they never really are.” They are waiting for someone to ask them to the senior prom and they have never even taken the time to learn how to dance.

He says faith and hope, which we believe but without doing it, you can’t do it. We sit around and keep going to seminar after seminar or go after a degree after degree because we are afraid to pull the trigger. That is where your coaching comes in. That is what sets you apart. Of all the people I have had in the studio, you two individually and collectively represent the essence of what it takes to be a coach.

PPDC 35 Randy | Others Before Self

Others Before Self: Whatever God has put in your heart, you can do it. You have the permission to go after that crazy Beehag that’s on the inside of your heart.


Go to that person. The only place from which a person can grow is where he or she is. We have to go where they are physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Only there can we gently invite them to trust us. Only there can we gently invite them to improve following your examples. Last question, if you had one hour to live, what would you say? What is your last lecture, Ken? What is your last lecture, Randy?

I would remind my girls the three things that servant leaders do. I would spend time with my babies. I would spend time with my son-in-law. My thing for Randy would be to never forget the price that Jesus paid for you. Never forget that God’s love for you is not predicated on your performance. He doesn’t love you because of what you do. It is not a spiritual checklist. He loves you because he created you and you are a son or a daughter.

I feel like we need some work and music and have a call.

Never forget that Dan Clark is the man and the legend. I wish I had his height and looks. I would remind everybody to get the book, Art of Significance. A lot of people tell me when I get up on stage, “You are not the best looking, but you are the most confident. I love it.” When I walk in with Dan, he is the only person on this Earth that I know that can walk in a revolving door behind me and come out ahead. That is what Dan Clark is. I would remind everybody to read the good book The Art of Significance along with other great books.

It is always about somebody else. Can you call my wife when this interview is over? Please record a message so she can play it every five minutes.

I will do that. You know I will.

To those who are not Christians who do not appreciate the reference to Jesus or something like that, it is important that we point out that truth is truth wherever it is found on Christian or any other religious ground. Those of us in the studio, our producer, friends from wherever, as long as we are seekers of truth, which is what we have been talking about this entire interview, it can’t offend anyone.

We could spend an entire week visiting every single religious tradition under the sun. We would walk in and if we spent enough time listening to the message, we would find some truth that resonates in our hearts. To Randy’s point, there is an opposition in all things. We have to have darkness to appreciate the light. We have to have sickness to appreciate health. We have to have justice to appreciate mercy. We have to have death to appreciate the sanctity of life.

Those are true universal laws that we can’t ever refute. Some things are true whether you believe them or not. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion but nobody is entitled to the wrong facts, and we should not believe everything that we think. On that note, I appreciate you joining us. I appreciate you giving us the secret sauce in what it takes to be a power player to ignite the power within without competing against someone else or yourself.

How can we find you? How could we solicit you? How could we be one of those select individuals that are attracted to your coaching programs and your magnificent events? Your relationship with Grant Cardone is phenomenal. We can talk about that another day. It would be brought up in the formal introduction. Randy, anybody who has an affiliation program with you, you are the man. You are the two biggest, most influential connectors on the planet. Unashamedly tell us how we can join your tribe and how they can come to some of your masterminds. Even your titles move the needle, GROW STACK DRIVE.

We do one entrepreneur conference in the Southeast. It is @KenJoslin.

Your new book came out. We got the first copies in advance.

As The Leader Grows, you can grab a free copy at Book.GrowStackDrive.com. You can download a digital copy for free. We give those away. It is something for people. I am @KenJoslin. Instagram is the best place to catch this. GrowStackDrive.com, you can check out what we are doing.

One time, I got through speaking and they gave me a standing ovation. They were doing the way of naming their future children after me. It was one of those knock-on-wood experiences that you would never be freaking believe. As soon as I finished, I am backstage wiping the sweat from my brow. I am so proud of myself. I am so caught up in this amazing human being who dazzled the freaking 1,000 people in the audience.

This guy comes backstage and says, “Do you know Randy Garn?” I am like, “Yes, I do.” He says, “He is the best speaker I have ever heard.” I am like, “That is wrong.” Having said that, you owe it to yourself to be at the feet of these two great teachers and coaches. Randy, tell us how to join your tribe and how to affiliate with you and your friends. How do we invest in some of your events and hire you as a private coach?

It is @RandyGarn on Instagram. You can find me there. You can find me on the fly fishing stream once in a while, Fridays and Saturdays.

The one thing about Randy, when you get on Randy’s Instagram, it is never about Randy. It is always about all the other people that he is in a relationship with.

That is the lesson of life. Make everybody leave you saying, “I like me best when I am with you. I want to see you again.” It has been a pleasure and honor to have both of you in the studio at the same time. It is more than serendipitous. We were supposed to be together. The interview went in a completely different direction than perhaps any one of us thought it would because of the nature of our relationship and the energy that you put out.

Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you will download and subscribe to this episode, especially Ken Joslin, Portuguese for awesome human, and Randy Garn, the 10-foot-tall super stud who has a heart bigger than anyone you will ever meet in the service before self-mentality. Both of you touch my heart. I have taken great pride in calling you my buddies. Thanks for joining us.

Thanks, Dan.


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About Randy Garn

PPDC 35 Randy | Others Before SelfRandy Garn is a New York Times bestselling author, passionate Entrepreneur and Business Builder, Partner at High Performance Institute with Brendon Burchard, Operating Partner at Tamarak Capital, and contributing author at Entrepreneur Magazine. Randy loves his wife, Charlotte, their four beautiful daughters, and two rowdy boys.



About Ken Joslin

PPDC 35 Randy | Others Before SelfOwner of the Ken Joslin Team & the GROW STACK DRIVE brand, Ken is a 10X Master Coach, Grant Cardone Licensee, and real estate professional. Ken Joslin is a driven leader who has closed over $250 million in real estate transactions. He is passionate about helping business professionals Build Confidence, Gain Clarity & Create Community.