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People say you should never meet your heroes, but today’s guest is an extraordinary exception. In this episode, Dan Clark sits down with his dear friend and hero, one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers and bestselling authors, Les Brown. Les shares how his life story has inspired others to be the best version of themselves. His message is all about empowering people to make the most of the talents, gifts, and potentials to serve the world. Les underscores the value of storytelling and storytellers in shaping not just individuals but society and culture as a whole. Don’t miss the transformative insights and life lessons he shares that could help you access the power that’s already within you.
Les Brown Shares His Story Of Success And Becoming A Renowned Motivational Speaker
This is an interview with the world’s number one motivational speaker and bestselling author, Les Brown. In this episode, my dear friend and mentor hero, Les Brown, who was inducted into the Professional Speakers Hall of Fame, the recipient of the International Golden Gavel Award, and has touched the lives of millions of people as one of the most popular motivational speakers on the planet, shares his life and climbs to the top of his profession. He is giving us an inside glimpse of how he got started and what he needed to experience to prepare himself to teach, inspire and coach others to become the best version of ourselves as speakers and human beings.
Les Brown, welcome to the show.
I am so glad to be here. You’re being very modest. Ladies and gentlemen, I opened it up but he closed it out. He’s a cleanup man. There are people who speak to entertain and to provide information. If the information could change people, everybody would be skinny rich and happy. Dan has a very unique talent that most people don’t have. That unique talent sets him apart from everybody in the industry. It’s a different thing to speak for the ear and write for the eyes. That’s different.
I know how to speak to the ears but I don’t know how to write for the eyes. Dan does and he has illuminated and amplified the careers of so many people who don’t give him credit for writing their speeches, but he can write and that’s a gift. He’s got a double portion of blessings to write, speak, train and transform people’s lives. That’s his passion. Come on, let’s get it on.
Thank you, Dr. Brown. Let’s dive into the significance of Les Brown. You say something in your classic Baptist preacher rhythmic style, and give us the space repetition in a matter of minutes. You interrupt with your contagious laugh and pontificate with philosophies and one-liners that everybody hangs their hat on that can change their life forever.
When I’m in your audience, I always watch how many people take notes when you speak, and how many people kick back and allow the speaker to entertain them when someone else is on the stage. When you come up with these one-liners and share your wisdom, you have a way of sharing it in a way that other speakers say, “I wish I could do that.” What you’re telling us in your speaker bootcamps and amazing famous speaker courses is that people can learn to do what you do if they do it for the right reasons. Am I correct?
Absolutely. I was working with someone who said they didn’t have a story and a voice. I said, “Yes, you do, but you can’t see the picture when you’re in the frame.” I talked with them and asked them a few questions. I gave their story back to them and I did it. They were shocked. They cried and said, “You told my story better than I do.” I feel that with the work that you’ve been doing, you’re helping people to become power players in their own lives.
Most people go through life half-stepping. They said that most people die at age 25 and don’t get buried until they are 65 because they don’t use the talents, abilities and skills that they have the ability to use. They go to their graves thinking that they were not able to do the things they envisioned for themselves. There’s a line in Lion King that says, “Simba, you are more than that which you have become.” You’ve always 1) Encouraged people to dream big, 2) Surround yourself with accountability partners, and 3) Whatever you’re pursuing, never give up.
It’s not easy. Life is difficult. We had the rugs snatched out from under us. We’re going through a space where we’ve never been before. We are walking through a supermarket or a drugstore and you’re thinking about if you inhale this air from whoever has been down that aisle who might be asymptomatic, it can cost you your life. We’re in a different place. I know about the fact that there are times in life when we’ve met somebody and talked to them after an event, and their breath stinks so bad. It was kicking like Bruce Lee and you back up. That’s different.

When you tell a story, the storytellers set the agenda for the culture, the collecting thinking of people to influence and bring out the best in people, to challenge them, to inspire them to engage.
These are my children behind me because my favorite book is about a good man who leaves a legacy for his children and his children’s children. They listened to you and all of the greats. I’m so excited about sharing time with you. I want to focus on something that you have done, story selling. That’s major. It was Steve Jobs who said that the storyteller is the most powerful person in the world. Why is that important? When you tell a story, the storytellers set the agenda for the culture and collective thinking of people. They influence and bring out the best in people, challenge them, inspire them and engage.
When people give information, and that’s the majority of speakers, that impacts two areas of the brain. What you’ve always been skillful and masterful at is telling a story. That impacts five areas of the brain. When you are presenting and using your show, what it does is how people live their lives as a result of the story they believe about themselves. When they listen to you and you’re a guest, what you do is distract, dispute and inspire. You distract them from their current story. Through the strategic use of your story, you dismantle their current belief system and inspire them to become, as Mother Theresa would say, “A pencil in the hand of God,” and start writing a new chapter with their lives.
Without flattering myself, we’ve had crazy experiences in our lives. I’ve had a chance to soar the edge of space, fly all the fighter jets and bombers, run the Olympic torch, and so on. Fellow speakers oftentimes in front of us to our faces or behind our back say, “That stuff never happens to me. Why not?”
I’ve had a chance to listen to you even on cassette tapes and VHS, that’s how old we are, and your videos that people can still pull up on the internet that were recorded way back in the day. People have to understand that there are certain individuals in our world among us who have been tapped out by God. They have been given that 2nd and 3rd chance to continuously make the difference that they were put on this planet to make.
You were diagnosed with stage-four cancer many years ago, and you’re still as healthy, happy, energetic and motivational as you were the day I met you many years ago. Let me tap into your soul for a second. When you wake up, it’s got to be a gift. How do you deal with the knowledge that you’re on this planet for a specific special reason that might be different from anyone else who’s taken that breath?
When I get up in the morning, I say, “All things work together for good for those who love God and for those who are called according to His purpose.” I didn’t say all things would be good or will feel good. What I do is I have orientated myself to look for the good, no matter what happens. One of the great things that happened when I was diagnosed with fourth-stage prostate cancer, my PSA or my Prostate-Specific Antigen was 2,400. As you know, 1 to 4 is normal. For me, PSA stands for Positively Staying Alive.
My oncologist said, “Mr. Brown.” I said, “Yes.” He said, “Your PSA is 2,400.” I said, “What does that mean?” He said, “1 to 4 is normal.” I said, “Is there anything else?” He said, “Yes. Cancer has metastasized to seven areas of your body.” I said, “Wow.” He said, “Did you hear what I said?” I said, “Yes. Seven is my lucky number. I was born on February the 17th. Joshua marched around the walls of Jericho seven times, name and dipped himself in the River Jordan seven times. Seven is my lucky number. Is there anything else?” He said, “Yes, and you’re ugly too. I never tell my patients they’re terminally ill. What I say is that my knowledge, abilities and skills have determined it. I determine the diagnosis. You and God determine the prognosis.”
There’s a difference between dying of cancer and living with cancer. You chose to live with cancer. Take us back to your birth and circumstances when you came into this world so that everybody knows. As early as you can recollect, you were tapped out for a special purpose and larger than life mission in this world for some reason that you’re continuously finding out, discovering, uncovering and revealing yourself on a daily basis.
You can’t see the picture when you’re in the frame.
I’m going to send you a video that you’re going to love. I was born in a poor section of Miami, Florida in an abandoned building with my twin brother, Wesley, on a floor. We were adopted by Mrs. Mamie Brown. I love this quote by Abraham Lincoln who said, “All that I am and all that ever hoped to be, I owe to my mother.”
I just found out in the last few months and I laid eyes for the first time on a picture of my birth mother and father. My birth mother’s name was Dorothy Bell Rucker. She was a motivational speaker in Gainesville, Georgia. My grandmother or her mother, Viola Rucker, was friends with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mary McLeod Bethune. She was a motivational speaker. My two brothers that I’ve just met said, “You are like our mother and you never saw her.” How do you explain that? What it says is we all have greatness in us, but you’ve got to be willing to focus and put in the time and the effort to develop that greatness.
Dr. Myles Munroe said, “Live full and die empty.” Most people take their talents, abilities, skills, voice and story to their graves with them. As we look at where we are now, what we know in and out of this pandemic, life is fragile. We’re going through something called The Mass Resignation. I said, “No.” I believe that millions of people are deciding that they want to live their lives the way that they want to live their lives.
If somebody said to an audience, “You got six months to live. Get your life in order.” I guarantee the majority of the people in that audience would quit their jobs, over 80%. If we were in the audience and they told us that we had six months to live, we would spend more time with our family and find as many speaking engagements as we could find. I told my kids, “If they say I’ve died. Don’t let them embalm me for three days. Sneak in the morgue and put a microphone in my hand. If I don’t grab it and say, ‘You got to be hungry,’ you say, ‘Dad’s gone now.'”
It’s like Zig Ziglar said as he started getting on in his years, “I’m not retired. I’m re-fired.” That’s the Les Brown mantra right there.
We have work to do. There’s something that each of us brings to the planet that the world would be deprived of if we did not come here and do what we are supposed to do. I believe there’s a calling on all of our lives. Horace Mann said, “We should be ashamed to die until we’ve made some major contribution to humankind.” Dan, when you look at your life, as much as you have chosen this path, you were chosen for this path.
The people that are reading could be reading something else, but they were chosen to be here at this point in time to read this message and all the things that are going on in the world. I believe that things don’t just happen. They happen just. I found out that my birth mother came to Miami to give birth to a set of twins. I used to wonder, “How could you bring two kids in this world and don’t come back to check on them?”
I now understand why she did it. We were a secret. She was married. More importantly, being raised in Miami, Florida, Liberty City and being raised in Gainesville, Georgia is a whole different thing. All things work together for good for those who love God. To me, no matter what’s going on, my goal is to be relentless and tenacious about looking for the good and to find the good in it. What is the blessing here for me? How can I turn this adversity into something good? What is it that I can do with my life at this point in time?

To people that are listening to us and watching us, if they died today, what dreams, what books, what podcasts, what leadership, what voice, what stories will die with them?
I’ve been reflecting and start thinking about the fact that, “Have I done all the things that I want to do? Have I made the impact that I want to make? What else can I do that perhaps I’ve looked past? I don’t want to leave nothing on the table. My goal is to die empty.” There’s a piece by Dr. Howard Thurman. He was a mentor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He said, “The ideal situation for a man or woman to die is to have family members praying with them as they cross over.”
Imagine if you will be on your deathbed and standing around your bed are the ghost of the dreams, the ideas and the abilities given to you by life. For whatever reason, you never pursued those dreams or used those gifts and tapped into that talent. There they are standing around your bed, looking at you with large angry eyes saying, “We came to you, and only you could have given us life. Now we’re going to die with you forever.” The question for the people reading this is if they die now, what dreams, books, podcasts, leadership, voice or stories will die with them? I love the words of a guy who said, “You reach the point of death only to realize that you never lived and you never scraped the surface of your potential.”
I don’t know what percentage of people in every one of our audiences are hurting inside who want to believe and need that nugget of wisdom and that Les Brown mantra. When in your life did you realize that this thought process or way of thinking was your reality? When did you embrace and believe that anything is possible if you believe, and that it was your calling to start sharing that as a motivational teacher?
I spoke in South Florida, where I was born and raised. They had a PA system outside and I could hear my voice. All the other speakers were talking but when I came up, they got quiet. Afterward, I told my oldest daughter who was with me, “People listen to me.” She said, “You just discovered that?” When I was in the 5th grade, I was labeled educable mentally retarded and put back from the 5th grade to the 4th grade, and I failed again in the 8th grade.
In my junior year, I met this guy who was like your personality, Leroy Washington. I went into his room looking for a friend of mine named McArthur Steven. He said, “Young man, I want you to go to the board and work this problem out for me.” I said, “Sir, I can’t do that.” He said, “Why not?” I said, “I’m not one of your students.” He said, “Do it anyhow.” I said, “I can’t, sir.” The other students started laughing saying, “He’s Leslie. He’s got a twin brother. Wesley is smart. He’s DT.”
He asked, “What’s DT?” They said, “He’s the dumb twin.” I said, “I am, sir.” He came from behind his desk and said, “Don’t you ever say that again. Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Do you hear me?” I said, “Yes, sir.” He disrupted the vision that I had on myself. People say, “Sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you.” That’s not true. Words can hurt you. They’re very painful and could last longer than physical pain. I followed him.
My mother used to work for this wealthy family on Miami Beach, Mr. Swiderski. He used to listen to the Strangest Secret in the World by Earl Nightingale, “We become what we think about.” As I was shining his shoes, I was listening to these words, “All of us are self-made but only the successful will admit it.” This was a time that going to work with my mother in Miami Beach, they used to have signs up that said, “Jews, dogs and colors are not allowed.”
It’s being in a culture that is designed to treat you less and destroy your sense of self, and then being exposed to messages of Zig Ziglar, “If you give enough people what they want, they will give you what you want.” Jim Rohn, “When the end comes for you, let it find you conquering a new mountain, not sliding down.” Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, “You have something special. You’ve got greatness in you. Don’t allow negative thoughts to dominate your mind. You can’t control the thoughts that come in your mind, but you can control the thoughts that you dwell on.”
Things don’t just happen. They happen just.
Working for Mr. Swiderski, shining his shoes, cleaning his office, and staying in there as long as I could while he was listening to these motivational messages, unbeknownst to me, it was programming my life for this life that I’m now living to train other people. I was rubbing my adopted mother’s ankles that was swollen from arthritis, and she was a master storyteller. While my brothers and sisters were outside playing, I said, “Mama, would you tell me the story again? Where you raised in South Florida?” She said, “Leslie, I’ve told you that story so many times.” I said, “I know but tell me again.”
The reason that I wanted her to tell me the story again was that she told it every time in the same way and with the same emotion. I did not know that was a process of grooming me years later to be able to stand on stage, to be blessed and be in the presence of someone like yourself, and be able to share what I learned from my mother and by listening to these greats all these years.
Take us to the transitional experience, which besides your most famous quote, “You got to be hungry,” is my favorite story of all time. It never gets old. It’s like going to a concert. We all show up to a musical concert with our own agenda. Regardless of how great the concert of Billy Joel is, if he does not sing Piano Man, we will rush the stage and throw stuff. It’s not a good concert with 90 minutes of every one of his hits if he doesn’t play what we came to hear.
You have got to tell your story about DJ, and that whole opportunity of you breaking into the workplace as a young man that touches so many other life lessons that you share on stage in your magnificent repertoire of stories. This is the nucleus in my mind that launches every other one of your most popular stories if you know which one I’m talking about. Take us back there.
I know what you’re talking about. My former wife is Gladys Knight. Whenever she performed, she had to do a Midnight Train to Georgia before she left the stage or we’d be in trouble. I’ve never forgotten when Mr. Wash asked me, “Young man, what do you want to do with your life?” I said, “I like to buy my mother a home.” He said, “How do you plan to do that?” I said, “I’d like to become a disc jockey.” He said, “Do you want to be a disc jockey?” I said, “Yes, sir. I listen to the radio all the time.”
He said, “I’m going to help you. Number one, develop your communication skills because once you open your mouth, you tell the world who you are.” He gave me a gift, Lead the Field, by Earl Nightingale. That’s an extended version of his self-development repertoire. He said, “Practice something called OQP.” I asked him, “What’s that?” He said, “Only Quality People. Who you run with determines who you end up with. Develop your mind. If you develop your mind and communication skills, and you pay attention to who you spend time with, it will help you to become successful.”
I said, “Thank you, sir.” He said, “Here’s my card. I want you to go to WMBM Radio Station.” Milton Butterball Smith was the program director there. I trained him. He’s now the assistant manager. Tell him I sent you.” I said, “Yes, sir.” As I was going out, he said, “One last thing, Mr. Brown.” I said, “What is that?” He said, “You got to be hungry.” I said, “What do you mean by that?” He said, “People that are hungry are unstoppable. They will fail their way to success and are relentless.”
I said, “I’m hungry, sir. I promised my mother that I would buy her home. She didn’t have to adopt us but she did. I’m hungry to take care of her.” He said, “Don’t lose your hunger.” I went to WMBM Radio Station. I said, “Mr. Butterball, how are you, sir? My name is Les Brown, sir. I like to be a disc jockey.” He said, “Young man, do you have any journalism in your background? “I said, “No, sir. I don’t.” He said, “Do you have any experience in broadcasting?” I said, “No, sir. I don’t, but let me audition for you, sir. I’m sure you’re going to like me.” He said, “No, we don’t have any job for you.”

If you develop your mind, develop your communication skills, and you pay attention to who you spend time with, it will help you to become successful.
I was devastated. I went back and told Mr. Wash. I said, “Mr. Wash, he said, no.” He said, “You got to be hungry. Most people are so negative. They have to say no constantly. You got to be hungry. Go back again.” I went back again and said, “Mr. Butterball. How are you, sir? My name is Les Brown. I like to be a disc jockey.” He said, “Weren’t you here yesterday?” I said, “Yes, sir.” He said, “Didn’t I tell you no yesterday?” I said, “Yes, sir.” He said, “Why are you back today?” I said, “I didn’t know whether or not somebody was laid off or somebody was fired, sir.” He said, “Nobody was laid off or fired. Now get out of here.”
I came back the next day, talking loud and looking happy like I was seeing him for the first time. I said, “Mr. Butterball, how are you? My name is Les Brown. I wouldn’t be a disc jockey.” He said, “I know what your name is. Weren’t you here the last two days?” I said, “Yes, sir.” He said, “Didn’t I tell you no the last two days?” I said, “Yes, sir.” He said, “Why are you back today?” I said, “I don’t know whether or not someone got sick or someone died, sir.” He said, “No one got sick or died. No one was laid off or fired. Don’t come back here again.” I came back the next day, talking loud and looking happy like I was seeing him for the first time, “Mr. Butterball, how are you?” He looked at me with rage. He said, “Go get me some coffee.” I said, “Yes, sir.”
My favorite book says, “The greatest among you will be your servant.” I became the errand boy for the disc jockeys. I’d get their lunch and dinner. I would stand in the control room, watching them and work my hands on the control board, knowing my time would come. I teach people. It’s better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.
On the weekends, I would clean their cars. They would come out and said, “Who did this?” I said, “I did, sir.” They said, “What do you charge?” I said, “Nothing, sir. I wanted to help out.” People do business with people they know, like and trust. He gave me the keys to his big Cadillac. He said, “Diana Ross and The Supremes are coming to town for Tufts and The Temptations. Pick them up and take them to the Fontainebleau Hotel on Miami Beach.” I drove them all over Miami Beach and disc jock his big long Cadillacs. I didn’t have a driver’s license but I was driving like I had.
It was a Saturday afternoon. A disc jockey by the name of Rockin Roger was drinking while he was on the air. Rockin Roger got so drunk he could not complete the show. He began to slur his words. I was the only one there, walking back and forth, looking at him, young, ready and hungry. Pretty soon, the phone rang. It was the general manager. He said, “Young boy, this is Mr. Cryon. Rock can’t finish his program. Would you call one of the other DJs to come here?” I said, “Yes, sir.” I hung the phone up and said, “He must be thinking I’m crazy.” I called my mama and my girlfriend, Cassandra. I said, “You all come out on the front porch and turn on the radio. I’m about to come on the air.”
I waited for about twenty minutes and called him back. I said, “Mr. Cryon, I can’t find anybody.” He said, “Young boy, you know how to work the controls?” I said, “Yes, sir.” He said, “Go in there and segue the records but don’t you say nothing.” I said, “Yes, sir.” I couldn’t wait to hang that phone up. I got the old Rockin Roger out of the studio. It was Stevie Wonder. He was twelve years old. He had a song called Fingertips.
I got behind that microphone. I said, “Look out, this is me, LB Triple P, Les Brown, your Platter Plan Papa. There were none before me and there will be none after me. Therefore, that makes me the one and only. I’m young and single, love to mingle, certified, bonafide and duly qualified to bring you satisfaction and a whole lot of action. Look out, baby. I’m your love man.” I was hungry. I got the job.
How long did you work there until you transition into your next level of personal development, which we sometimes call a job? If we look at every opportunity as the next step up, it’s amazing how we begin with the end in mind. We always focus on the journey.
It’s better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.
I did twelve years in radio in Miami, Columbus, Ohio, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. I ran for the Ohio legislature. I was elected for three terms there. Midway through my third term, my adopted mother became ill. I resigned to go back to Miami to fulfill the dream that I said, “If anything ever happened to you and you need me, I will be there.” I gave up my political ambitions to take care of mama. I was at an event and thinking about what can I do while I was here in Miami. I don’t have a college education. I wanted to do radio but there were no slots available.
I went to a motivational event and a guy who was on stage said, “To somebody who should be up on this stage and holding this microphone now, I’m standing in your dream. The reason you’re seated out there and I’m standing up here that you should be doing is because you don’t believe in yourself. I represent the thoughts you have rejected for yourself. I don’t know who this is for.” He then went on to give his speech.
I got up, ran outside, and went into a telephone booth like Superman used to do. You could make a phone call for a dime. I called my mentor, Mike, and he said, “Brownie, what’s going on?” I said, “I’m not rejecting myself anymore.” He said, “Brownie, calm down.” I said, “No, I’m not rejecting myself anymore. Do you hear me? My mother’s sick. She’s got breast cancer, Mike. I need to do something that allows me to take care of her and be available to her and do something that’s me. I want to speak. I’m not rejecting myself anymore.”
He said, “I’ll help you.” I believe in asking for help, not because you are weak. Ask for help because you want to remain strong, and don’t stop until you get it. He helped me. He’s the author of a book called The Road to Your Best Stuff. I wrote the foreword for it. He’s been my mentor for 53 years. He saw this Les Brown before I saw him. It’s very important for us to have somebody in our lives who will believe in us until our belief kicks in. As he spoke, “When you speak, you take the audience to a place in themselves that they can’t go by themselves and discover the imprisoned splendor.”
As we wind down our time together, so often when you would come into a city, you would get the word out to the local chapter of the National Speakers Association. You would graciously invite us over to your hotel suite to spend an hour or so private time with you mentoring us in the art and science of storytelling and public speaking.
I’ve never forgotten those times when I had a chance to sit at your feet. As you remind me of my dream, sharing the stage with you and others, with you taking the highest evaluations in every single event. What advice would you give to people who want to become not just motivational teachers but mentors and coaches to uplift humanity and do similar things to what you’ve been doing all these years?

Never let what you want to say get in the way of what your audience needs to hear.
Number one, get a coach. Why? You can’t see the picture when you’re in the frame. It’s very important to get someone who’s been there, done that, and bought a t-shirt like you, and can teach you how to leverage your story, knowledge, skills, and put you on success on steroids. It’s not just what you can learn from a mentor, but also where a mentor and a coach can take you. That’s number one.
Number two, find something that’s you. People say, “Practice what you preach.” No, preach what you practice. There are a lot of people out here telling people that they can live their dreams and they haven’t done anything. You don’t teach what you don’t know. You don’t lead where you don’t go. You want to find something that represents you. When you think about it, and this is major, you want to give a heart-centered message.
The Dale Carnegie Course is a very good course. I teach, “Tell them what you’re going to tell them and then tell them what you told them.” I train speakers and I say never let what you want to say get in the way of what your audience needs to hear. Do your research, find out who they are, and custom design your presentation to meet their needs and exceed their expectations based on the communications and intelligence you’ve gotten from them. Don’t assume that you know.
That’s extra work but that had helped me tremendously when someone went in and regurgitated a speech they are giving everywhere. I never give the same speech. I custom design it for each occasion. Why? There’s an audience inside of each audience. Our goal is to unify them and create with our stories a significant and emotional event, and transform that audience individually and collectively.
Let’s wind down. Let me put you on the hot seat. If you had one hour to live, what’s your final message? If God forbid we clicked off this episode, how do you want to be remembered and eulogized? I’ll be there. I’ll try to keep it under 65 to 70 minutes so I can give some other speakers who show up to eulogize you their equal time. What’s your last lecture? What’s your final message to the world?
I was thinking about that and called my twin brother. I said, “Have you been thinking about the meaning of our lives?” Howard Thurman said, “Don’t ask what the meaning of life is. Ask what the meaning of your life is.” I said, “When I go, I want them to say, “He aspired to inspire until he expired, and he did it well from the heart.” That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Ask for help not because you are weak. Ask for help because you want to remain strong.
I love you, Les Brown. I appreciate you so much.
I love you back.
I look forward to teaming up with you and finally tweaking some of your amazing students who look up to you and idolize your methodology, courses, and speaking boot camps. What’s the most important thing I could do for you?
If they want to be a dominant voice in their industry and want to coach, I do limited one-on-one coaching with a limited number of people. Seven is my lucky number. They can email me at
There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Of all the guests that I’ve had all this time, Les Brown has been at the top, bottom and middle of my bucket list. Thank you for honoring my tribe and me. You clearly are the world’s number one motivational teacher. I don’t say that lightly. I honor, admire and love you like a brother from a different mother.
I’m the second place behind you because I know you’re a bad dude. I know what you could do with a microphone. I’m not going for that one. That’s why they had to close out. You save the best for the last.
It was salt and pepper, two seasoned professionals taking the stage at the same time. I take great pride in calling you my friend. Thank you. I honor you. I love you.
I love you and appreciate you.
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About Les Brown