
making of a champion

The Art of Significant Team Building

How to make Self-Mastery Permanent, Winning Personal & High Performance Automatic

Dan teaches there is a difference between training to fight and training to win. Which means: It’s not all about team – teams lose. It’s about winning! There is no ‘I’ in team, but two ‘I’s’ in winning representing: Independent individual preparation and Interdependent collaboration. The teams that win have the most ‘I’ players on them – developed through Dan’s time-tested system titled: The Ten Commitments:

Mindset Take-A-Ways: It is not enough to say, ‘I will do my best.’ We must succeed in doing that which is necessary!

As a proud maverick and revolutionary coach and teacher, Dan challenges the status quo drawing upon his book The Art of Significant Teambuilding

Does your organization struggle to create synergy? Are you have a difficult time increasing employee engagement, morale and retention?

Dan ignites passion, leadership, enhanced collaboration and a renewed sense of commitment within your organization. Dan shares inspiring stories and with unexpected lessons teaching successful teamwork requires aligning a number of factors, including strong leadership and a sturdy organizational framework.

Learn how to define and implement effective teamwork so everyone understands the task at hand!

“Dan’s powerful and revolutionary message on Building A Winning Team offered the mental and behavioral edge needed to increase performance at the New York Ski Educational Foundation event here in Lake Placid. He was a true inspirational hero captivating the audience of U.S. Ski Team Members, Professional Athletes and Olympians.”

U.S. Alpine Ski Team

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Take Charge of the Future by Re-Engaging Your Team Today!