



Explore Our Executive Coaching Programs today!

Every CEO, Leader, Entrepreneur & Influencer Needs A Coach!

Every human being is inherently ‘hard wired’ for progress, born with a primal drive to reach our ultimate capacity and potential, achieve personal greatness, and make our lives matter!
Why should you be any different?
So ask yourself this…
Do you think you'd get to where you want to be much faster?

What You Get From Dan’s Executive Coaching Program:

A chance of a lifetime to have Dan personally guide you through a time-tested proven process, so you don’t just get what you want – you will want what you get, leave no regrets, and live the unlimited, balanced, significant life you crave and deserve!

Dan’s Promise: When You Complete Dan’s Executive Coaching Programs, You and/or Team Graduate with:

Just a Few of Dan’s Successful and Significant Clients:

Once you have completed a call with us and decide to engage in Dan’s Executive Coaching program, you will be guided through a 3-Step Analysis Assessment:

  • Clarification of Your Specific Needs

    One of our team members will conduct a personal survey to Evaluate your goals for personal growth and leadership development, diving deep into your pain points and challenges. Together we’ll identify your ‘misjudged potential,’ Eliminate the negative people and influences that are causing your limiting beliefs, and Elevate your attitude and perspective with the steps required to reach your ultimate capacity in your personal and professional life.

  • Training and Curriculum Development

    Step Two is to create a customized Action Plan to:

  • Approval and Implementation

    Step Three is to establish a schedule for rolling out a training that is exclusively customized and 100% based on your priorities and needs. A benchmark will be set for its completion and we’ll begin your training on schedule.

Achieve The Level Beyond Success...

THE LEGACY PLAN: To Achieve the highest level of Significant Transformation. Dan will guide you through the specific steps to create and build your own personal Legacy Plan that will outlive you. This plan also includes Exclusive Bonuses available only to Dan’s Legacy Plan Mentees. The perfect customized program for you who are creating your own Individual Brand:

  • Highest Level Networking

    Being introduced to Dan’s inner circle of connections, Networking at the highest levels to Influence the Affluent who can help you climb corporate and society ladders

  • Personal Mentoring

    In the Art and Science of Extraordinary Communication, Public Speaking & Storytelling:

  • Being Interviewed

    For two hours to capture your life history and stories - after which identifying the life lessons learned from each experience. Then tutored and coached in clarifying your message, identifying your "Significant Emotional Events" and together with Dan writing your own "Signature Story."

  • Being Coached

    In crafting your Keynote Speech so each story is funny, provocative, and emotional – edited so every word ‘pays its own way’

  • Packaging

    Your ‘value proposition’ so you can market yourself as a paid professional speaker in and outside your industry.

  • Publishing

    Guiding you through the process of writing and publishing your own book and taking it to market.

Develop the BEST version of yourself, to impact and contribute to those around you…

I’ve customized all of this especially for you - to help you transform your success into significance, so you don’t die with your dreams and music still in you!
Book a Transformation Call Now Get These Additional Executive Coaching Bonuses!