“Formal education makes you a living – self education makes you a fortune!” – Jim Rohn
Foreword written by Jack Canfield
Co-creator Chicken Soup for the Soul
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
Dan’s ‘Flagship Book’ – the philosophical foundation and psychological nucleus for Dan’s other books, illuminating the 12 Highest Universal Laws and their practical application: Obedience, Perseverance, Stretching, Trust, Whole Truth, Winning, Doing Right, Harmony, Acceptance, Being Needed, Covenants, Forgiveness.What would you rather have-conventional success or a high level beyond success? Dan Clark, one of the world’s leading inspirational speakers and leadership trainers, vehemently opposes the conventional wisdom about success. He believes it’s tragic and superficial to build our careers and personal lives around getting more money, bigger houses, cooler toys, and fancier job titles. What’s it all worth in the end? How many outwardly successful people still feel empty inside? Clark has spent decades traveling around the world, interviewing the famous and powerful; consulting with presidents and generals and sheikhs and corporate leaders; creating a multimillion-dollar speaking and consulting business that teaches what works, what doesn’t and why.
In our rapidly changing world where most leaders focus on what makes Millennials and other generations different, Dan focuses on the timeless truths that make us all the same. In this sensational and timeless book, Dan literally takes readers to the next level in every aspect of life! By challenging the most common principles of success that have created limiting beliefs, Dan replaces them with his Twelve Highest Universal Laws of Life Changing Leadership, and delivers them in his time-tested three step A.R.T. process that increases Awareness of the things that prohibit peak performance; Refines who you are and why you do what you do; and creates a Transformational experience that turns success into significance!
Mindset Take-A-Ways: Inspired people don’t have to be motivated; When we identify ourselves in terms of what we do instead of who we are, we become human ‘doings’ instead of human ‘beings’ – unacceptable if significance is what we seek; when we focus on purposes instead of just setting goals, our ‘why’ becomes bigger than our ‘why not, and the ‘how-to’ becomes clear and simple.
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
In his famous storytelling and engaging style, Dan reminds us that the hardest thing for a leader to do is to get everybody to care as much about the organization as they do.
Therefore, the purpose of a leader is to grow more leaders who believe what you believe – not generate more followers. When everybody in the organization is committed to the same expectations, everyone holds themselves accountable, because they feel like a valued ‘influencer’ with the opportunity to lead – with or without a title – regardless of age, race, gender or experience, knowing their voice matters!
This masterpiece includes entertaining anecdotes such as: standing in front of a room and calling yourself a leader no more makes you a leader than standing in the middle of a garage makes you a truck! Leadership is not a position or title noun – it’s an action verb and a level of respect that you earn! The underlying theme of the book is: we don’t attract who we want – we attract who we are and what we believe we deserve in associates who believe what we believe. The implementation formula is based in the reality that when everybody shares the same purpose for being, we create a high performance culture of Significant Partner Leaders who trust and lead with and without a title. Because the things we help create we support, everybody improves productivity and increases organizational profitability based on personal accountability – because self-mastery is permanent, winning is personal and leadership is automatic!
Mindset Take-A-Ways: A leader never has to get ready – he/she stays ready; Under pressure you don’t step up your game – you succumb to the level of your preparation and training – which means pressure is not something that is naturally there. It’s created when you question your own ability. When you know what you’ve been trained to do there is no pressure. That’s why we train and practice so hard!
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
As a business philosopher, Dan reminds us that in medicine we know that prescription before diagnosis is malpractice. Selling is also about asking questions that turn every ‘sales pitch’ into a ‘serve pitch,’ so you can diagnose and eliminate their pain.
Forbes stated, ‘Competing on Features, Benefits, Price, Customer Service and being better than your competitors are no longer differentiators. Competitive advantage is created by being unique and different as a caring advisor taught in Dan’s P8X Selling System, which could boost your closing rate to 93%.
In this career changing book Dan shares analytics showing that 44% of sales professionals quit after the first sales call. 24% quit after the second call. 14% quit after the third call. 12% quit after the fourth call. That’s 94% of sales professionals who quit after the fourth sales call. Yet statistics show that 85% of sales are closed between the 5th and 12th sales calls. Thankfully, this book includes ways in which you can make yourself so compelling to be around, so fascinating to talk to and so prepared that your prospects will invite you into their inner circle enough times to close the sale.
Mindset Take-A-Ways: Sales is the ‘transference of trust’ – Integrity is the commerce of transaction – Loyalty is the result of consistent predictability; The sale doesn’t begin until the customer says ‘no’; Wealth flows through you, not to you – you can get anything in life you want, when you are willing to help enough other people get what they want!
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
Learn Dan’s time-tested formula that has successfully turned struggling businesses around, accelerated the productivity of government agencies, elevated the performance of military Commands and transformed last place NFL teams into Super Bowl Champions.
Yes, there is no ‘I’ in team – but teams lose! It’s about winning and there are two ‘I’s’ in winning representing: Independent individual preparation and Interdependent collaboration. The teams that win have the most ‘I’ players on them and live by Dan’s Ten Commitments. Using entertaining and compelling examples and comparison contrasts between championship teams and last place losers, Dan teaches his Ten C’s: Clarity, Character, Competence, Consistency, Competitiveness, Contribution (which focus on ‘me’) – and Cause, Chemistry, Conclusion, Celebration (which turn the ‘me’ into ‘we’) and T.E.A.M. – Together Everyone Achieves More – into F.A.M.I.L.Y. – Forget About Me I Love You.
Mindset Take-A-Ways: Building a winning team begins with the individual commitment of each team member to the up-leveled understanding: It is not enough to say, ‘I will do my best.’ We must succeed in doing that which is necessary to win; There is a difference between training to fight and training to win; Under pressure you don’t step up your game – you succumb to the level of your training, preparation and practice – which means pressure is not something that is naturally there. It’s created when you question your own ability. When you know what you’ve been trained to do there is never any pressure. That’s why you train and practice so hard; Not every football play is designed to score a touchdown; There is nothing more insignificant than the half time score; you know you’re a champion when losing hurts worse than winning feels good!
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
As 2012 Utah Father of the Year –having raised four extraordinary children –Dan shares countless nuggets of wisdom including: why we shouldn’t try to choose our children’s friends; the only person they need to be better than is the person they were yesterday; trust is developed when we are always loyal to those who are not present; discipline is to teach, not to punish; etc.
Because no other success can compensate for failure in the home – because new born babies do not come with an ‘Owners Manual’ – because parents are reminded in Proverbs 22:6 ‘Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it’ – Dan has assembled a collection of ‘must learn’ principles we need to teach our children in order for them to become the best version of themselves, transform into responsible adults and eventually become ‘significant’ parents, including: unconditional love, integrity, mutual respect, duty, honor, obedience, compassion, positive discipline, resiliency, faith, repentance, forgiveness, ambition, personal responsibility, strong work ethic, the significance of engaging in wholesome recreational activities and a commitment to service before self.
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
This is your chance to be personally coached and mentored by a Hall of Fame Speaker / named one of the Top Ten Motivational Speakers in the World!
“ Steve Jobs said, “The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller who unlocks a shared dream.” Warren Buffet said, “Mastering public speaking is the #1 skill to boost a career and raise your personal value by 50%.” In this ‘How-To’ Manual you will learn the philosophies, techniques, tools and ingredients required to become an incredible communicator, polished presenter and the steps required to get paid to speak – that include the timeless truths: ‘Seek to Bless, Not Impress’ – ‘When you are prepared you shall not fear’ – “you spend more time preparing yourself to speak than preparing a speech.
In this masterpiece Dan teaches the Eight Elements To Crafting An Extraordinary Speech Listeners Love and learn about the six ‘Brain Chemicals’ and how to craft emotionally stirring and entertaining stories to trigger the chemicals in your listeners to solicit the responses your seek.
Mindset Take-A-Ways: Everybody in every audience – one on one – one on ten in a board meeting – one on ten thousand in a keynote speech – all have three major questions, which you will be equipped to answer: Why Should I Listen To You? (Credibility – have you done it? Are you currently doing it?); Can I Do It Too? (Possibility – with my weaknesses, limitations and strengths); What Do I Do Next? (Usability – how do I get from where I am to where I want to be?)
Foreword written by Mark Victor Hansen
Co-Creator Chicken Soup for the Soul
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
Story Sellers Are The Influencers! Story Sellers Climb To The Top Of The Leadership Ladder In Their Organizations!
In a cluttered world where you need to define your own personal brand and explain why and how you stand out; where you need to share the unique factor of your product, service and value proposition (so people choose you, not just somebody who does what you do) – becoming a master Story Seller is your key to personal and organizational greatness!
This Is Your Chance of a Lifetime to be personally Taught, Coached, Mentored and Guided through the Art and Science of Story Selling using Dan’s time-tested formula for recalling Transitional Experiences and Significant Emotional Events in your life, writing them down in a compelling way, identifying the life lessons learned and turning them into Entertaining, Thought Provoking, Transformational stories worth sharing!
This is a How-To Instruction Manual that will not only guide you through the art and science of Storytelling, but it then takes your communication skills to the highest level by finely tuning your passion, power, purpose and persuasive techniques required to become a Master Story Seller!
– Become more fascinating and inspirational to be around!
– Get people to choose you, not just somebody who does what you do!
– Fast-advance in your career with greater earning power!
– Create a Competitive Advantage!
– Close More Sales!
– Generate Return Customers And Massive Referrals!
– Learn to turn Recruiting the best employees/players into Attracting and Retaining the Right People!
– Make your organization a meaningful and rewarding place to work by inspiring employees/coworkers/teammates to be part of something larger than themselves!
When you Master the Art and Science of Story Selling you:
• Learn the fine art of persuasion and excellent communication
• Grow your self-confidence, self-esteem, self-love, and courage
• Serve as a family historian to keep your stories alive for generations
• Make romance come alive whether you are single or married
• Become universally loved, admired, and respected
• Enjoy more joy, happiness, fulfillment, bliss, and excitement in your life!
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
Dr. Jim Rohn reminds us: ‘Formal education will make you a living – self education will make you a fortune!’ Zig Ziglar reminds us: ‘We can get anything in life that we want when we are willing to help enough other people get what they want.”
It’s no secret that building a significant Direct Sales company and Multi-Level Marketing organization is the epitome of pursuing and living the American Dream! Bottom line: most people hate their jobs – they only look forward to Friday instead of Monday – they think they are paid by the hour, when we are all paid for the value we bring to that hour. And the way we increase our value personally and professionally is to make sure we are living a life unlimited focused on physical health, personal development, family togetherness and financial freedom that allows us to spend time and resources in serving others.
Because we become the average of the five people we associate with the most; and because we don’t attract who we want – we attract who we are and what we believe we deserve in friends, associates and lifestyle; through the wonderful world of Network Marketing (which is nothing more than ‘Relationship Selling’) we can break out of the confining corporate world and live the life we deserve! We can create a group of like-minded people who want what we want knowing the goal is not to do business with everybody who wants what we have. The goal is to do business with those who believe what we believe knowing that when the water in the lake goes up all the boats rise together!
In terms of attracting, recruiting and retaining the right people and showing them how to market and sell the products in an MLM company, it should be obvious that ‘fit’ is not a destination – it’s a way of life. Achieving and enjoying good health and acquiring wealth are not destinations – they are journeys. It’s not the sugar that makes the tea sweet it’s the stirring process.
This Audio Book and Study Guide contains the secrets and formulas of the most successful Network Marketers in the world. Through interviews and observation, Dan teaches how to turn Recruiting into Attracting the right people and Training into Retaining the best people for the right reasons. Included in this comprehensive masterpiece is the time-tested system called the ‘6 Question Open / 4 Statement Close,’ which immediately changes your mindset from being a shotgun “Recruiter” to thinking and working like a high paid single shot ‘Head Hunter.’ In this way, when someone asks you what you do, you have a formal job title that attracts people to you and the possibilities of your conversation.
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
From applying to college to move-in day; from homesickness to making new friends; from tough new coursework to adult issues; and then on to graduation and the “real world.” In the famous format of all Chicken Soup books, this book is a collection of 101 short stories assembled to inspire students to make the most of their college years.
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
“Dan Clark is a primary contributing author to our Chicken Soup for the Soul
series, co-author of College Soul, and author of Little Souls-Best Night Out With
Dad. Dan is larger than life, one of the greatest storytellers in the world, and
one of our most popular and beloved authors. Dan lives by the Success
Principles we propagate, and teaches the ‘Secret’ through his powerful,
unforgettable, inspirational masterpieces!”
– Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield
Co-Creators of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
Since the beginning, stories have been the primary tool used to pass down valuable lessons learned by the generations before us. These lessons help to guide us through challenges faced today. New York Times best-selling author Dan Clark has masterfully combined many of these life lessons into the minutes of Soul Food: Over 100 Stories to Keep You Mentally Strong, Emotionally Awake, & Ethically Straight.
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
Dan’s most famous heartwarming story about a little physically challenged boy who wants to buy a puppy he cannot afford – and picks out one with a limp and insists on paying full price even after the storekeeper offers to give it to him. Why? ‘The puppy will need someone to understand!’ So powerful that it was made into a film at Paramount Studios starring Jack Lemmon and Jesse James – musical score by Elmer Bernstein (winner of 22 film festivals). A must read for every family library!
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
This anthology was created by the National Speakers Association Mountain West Chapter on behalf of the authors in this book. A unique collection of seventeen essays on how love influences life, work and relationship management. A must read for everyone who desires to take their most important relationships to that illusive and complete level called ‘significance.
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
The Greatest Collection Of Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes In The Universe Jocular Waggish Facetious Because The Funniest Things Happen When You Look For Laughs The mentally irregular material manifested in this manuscript was assembled by Dan Clark during a time when he obviously had a lapse in judgment and forgot he was a world-class motivational speaker.
Having written over thirty positive, life-changing books, this anthology is shallow and meaningless, destined not for the shelves of your library, but for your washroom reading pleasure as you seek comic relief for a constipated soul.
While his books on self-mastery, leadership, team building, parenting, relationship selling, and public speaking were inspired in the breathtaking Irish countryside and beaches of Costa Rica, Dan wrote and compiled this ‘piece of work’ in the tiny towns of Weed California, Hooker Oklahoma, Cut n Shoot Texas, Hell Michigan, Toad Suck Ferry Arkansas, Boring Oregon, and Nothing, Total Wreck, Why, and Surprise Arizona Although many assume that 7th grade was Dan’s senior year, his stellar academic performance actually extended to the three years he was a junior in high school that nearly killed the whole faculty.
Yet, because Dan’s cholesterol count was higher than his SAT scores, it was only a matter of time before Dan was performing ‘stand up’ in some of the most prestigious comedy clubs in North America including Yuk Yuks in Toronto, The Comedy Store in Los Angeles, Ice House in Pasadena, Caroline’s in New York, and Second City in Chicago. Always upbeat and sometimes ‘off-the-wall, ‘ Dan is famous for visiting sick friends suffering in hospitals with the soul purpose of making them laugh to help them heal through humor And if that doesn’t work, he gets them a deal on a colonoscopy, which will put a smile on anyone’s face.
Publisher’s Disclaimer: No one can be held responsible for the content in this book It’s just flat-out funny. Of course, some of the jokes are edgy, but if you are offended, no apologies, only condolences for having your knickers in a twist, knowing HE WHO LAUGHS – LASTS!
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
The tongue has no bones but is strong and powerful enough to illustrate, elevate, illuminate, agitate, eliminate, motivate, help, hurt, humble, and heal. “My task, which I am trying to achieve by the written word, is to make you hear and to make you feel – it is, before all to make you see.” – Joseph Conrad. “Don’t diminish the power of words, for they move hearts and hearts move limbs.” – Hamza Yusuf. If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words, we create our own weaknesses, limitations, strengths and joys – and therefore can replace the negative with the positive at will.
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
An Anthology Collection Compiled by Habitude Warrior Erik Swanson featuring Celebrity Author DAN CLARK, joined by 33 contributing authors who share their experience and journey of success in business and life overcoming obstacles and triumphs while utilizing one of the steps to riches: Napoleon Hill’s Seventh Principle: ‘DECISIONS.’
Each of the Thirteen Volumes features a Celebrity Author who focuses on one of the Thirteen Principles taught in Think & Grow Rich:
Volume 1: Denis Waitley – DESIRE
Volume 2: Sharon Lechter – FAITH
Volume 3: Jim Cathcart – AUTO SUGGESTION
Volume 4: Michael E. Gerber – SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE
Volume 5: Glenn Lundy – IMAGINATION
Volume 6: Marie Diamond – ORGANIZED PLANNING
Volume 7: Dan Clark – DECISION
Volume 8: Alec Stern – PERSISTENCE
Volume 9: Erik Swanson – MASTERMIND
Volume 10: Loral Langemeier – TRANSMUTATION
Volume 11: Doria Cordova – SUBCONSCIOUS MIND
Volume 12: John Assaraf – THE BRAIN
Volume 13: Kevin Harrington – SIXTH SENSE
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
Punch Up Your Content! Make People Laugh Out Loud! Romance The Language!
Bring People To Tears! THE MUST Have Collection For Every Speaker, CEO,
Leader, Entrepreneur, Coach, Preacher, Teacher, Attorney, Politician, Sales
Professional, Podcaster, Influencer!
Because Every Presentation NEEDS to be Entertaining, Thought Provoking and
Memorable – Dan has bundled 3 of his books: The Humor File, Treasury of Quotes
and The Most Popular Stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul – into a 3-Pack
pocketbook sized Desktop Resource Library to help you make your speeches and
stories Funny with an appropriate ‘message joke’, Evocative with an embellishing
quote and Emotional with a tear-jerking story!
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
How often have people claimed that a certain thing was ‘in the Constitution’ and you’ve wanted to pull out a copy to show them what this incredible document really says? Here is your chance to have the full text of the United States Constitution and the U.S. Declaration of Independence in the same ready-reference book you can keep with you at all times! Because reading these two sacred documents as they were written is a must for every American, acclaimed Constitutional scholar Paul Skousen, author of ‘How to Read the Constitution’, provides a clear guide to parts of these documents that became invalid due to later amendments, making the current meaning clear. Without intruding on the meaning, Skousen gives us a great tool for understanding our most basic principles of a Democratic Republic.
The Foreword is written by New York Times best-selling author Dan Clark who will put you in the right frame of mind to appreciate the specific wording and historical background in the writing of these ‘country creating/nation building/owner’s manuals’ – while challenging your belief system in the context of ‘what it really means to be an American.’
“On September 11, 2001, when the hijackers crashed the jets into the World Trade Center Towers, Pentagon and into the field in Summerset Pennsylvania, these terrorists did not attack our country. They did not try to capture a landmass or overthrow our government. They attacked what we believe in! Thus – living in America does not make you an American. Being an American means you have read both the United States Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, so you fully understand your personal responsibility to abide by their precepts. Being an American means you have earned the right to take advantage of these ‘guaranteed rights’ by getting an education and acquiring training and employability skills, so you qualify to be a hard-working, tax paying, positive contributing citizen who commits to living by the ideals, high moral values and rule of law set forth in these sacred documents – which allow our experiment in self-government to work and thrive!
As we read from the journals of the authors of our beloved Constitution it is clear that whenever they came to an impasse in what to write next or what Governing-Principle they needed to embrace next, our Founding Fathers paused and prayed for divine guidance. With incredible foresight these great men guaranteed the right of every citizen to vote – but realized a Democracy is so much more than a free and open election, which required the establishment of a check and balance structure to guarantee that a ‘mob mentality/majority rule’ never blindsided the nation with just a popular vote. Hence, the Electoral College.
Clearly, the authors of the Constitution knew that no matter what, the tail can never wag the dog – when the inmates run the prison based only on popular vote/majority rule – chaos, confusion and destruction are eminent! Consequently, our Founding Fathers established three Branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial, with each Branch having its own separation of powers and responsibilities, which ensures the government is effective and citizens’ rights are protected for the greater good of the nation.
Unless we Americans study our Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and covenant to live by the governing principles found therein, and stand by our military as citizens to defend these truths and resist anyone who tries to take away our God given freedoms – we could easily suffer the brutal consequences found in the prophetic words of President Abraham Lincoln:
‘From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we will live forever or die by suicide.’”
Alexandrea Sims (Dan’s daughter) has written a series of beautifully illustrated Children’s books using the 26 letters of the alphabet to inspire positive attitude, develop character traits, promote respect, eliminate prejudice and live with unconditional love. The first 4 books packaged as the ‘ABC’s’ teach children and remind adults about the significance of building Self-esteem, being Resilient … finding Strength in Diversity and Positive Body Image.
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
– (First in her Alphabet Series of 26 Letters/26 books)
– Children’s Book in rhyming poetic verse – strengthening self-esteem
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
– (Second book in her Alphabet series)
– Children’s book in rhyming poetic verse – teaching resiliency
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
– (Third book in her Alphabet series)
– Children’s book in rhyming poetic verse – encouraging strength in diversity
(Available in Hard Cover & Paperback)
– (Fourth book in her Alphabet series)
– Children’s book in rhyming poetic verse – encouraging positive body image
Dan has continued to write extraordinary books until the present day – including other previous best sellers – also out of print: